Chapter 5

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Esya, with a smile on her face, walked up to the middle aged man, who was clearly enjoying his break eating some bread. "Good day, Sir!"

At the energetic greeting the man swallowed down his bite he took of his bread and replied equally energetic. "Good day to you too, young Lady!"

Esya was inherently shy, but knowing, that the person she was talking to, wasn't a real person, made it 100 times more comfortable. "I got some questions, if it would be alright with you?"

No one, not even an NPC would reject the idea of spending some of their free time talking with a cute girl. That was especially so, if the request came from the girl's side.
"Sure, go ahead."

"I am currently a level 1 thief, and I was wondering if you knew of a place suitable to earn experience."

Looking the Esya up and down the man in turn asked. "Do you have a weapon on hand?"

Every class gets a beginner weapon and Esya got beginner Twin Daggers. Drawing them out of her sheath she flashed them in front of the man with a smile to reassure him.

Nodding the man said "Good. A suitable hunting ground for you would be the Spring Plains".

Once he started answering her question below her HP and MP bar a notification started blinking up. The notification was a small green box saying


Taking a short breather he then continued.

"It is mainly inhabited by slimes. Their level range is between 1 and 5, which should be perfect for you. They have around 200 to 250 HP giving you enough leeway for your first fight."

"And where do I find the Spring Plains?"

He pointed towards the Towns wall "If you keep going straight you'll see the Towns gate, once you pass it you will be in the Spring Plains."

Throughout all of this conversation the green box did not disappear. Distracted by it she barely listened to his words.

"Could you do me one more favor, before I'll go on my way?"

The man was still smiling. "Sure, young Lady."

"Could you tell me two truth and one lie?"

Visible confusion appeared on the man's face, but he still complied.

"My Name is Nicolas."


"I have a Wife named Anya"


"and a pet dog named Brownie."


The green box turned blood red.

"The last one was false?"

Nicolas' eyes widened. "How did you know?"

Esya just smiled and responded. "Just a hunch."

'So basically the second function is a lie detector.'

Finding the second option of her ring really cool she continued "Well, thanks for everything Nicolas. I'll see you around!" and left.

'Wait, so how do I get to the Spring Plains again?'

Since she got distracted and couldn't comprehend, what he said, a thought like that formed inside her mind.

Out of a sudden her world got enveloped in a slight reddish hue. Bewildered she looked around and checked if others had panicked reactions like her.

Realizing it was only her, she saw a path ,that instead of having a reddish hue, had a green hue.

This made her remember, that Nicolas  said, she had to follow the path to the Towns wall, which will eventually bring me to the towns gate.

'Guess I instandly found another cool function of the ring.'

Since she asked herself 'How do I get to the Spring Plains' every other path turned into 'Falsehood' and the correct path turned into 'Truth'. Deducting this felt really good, so she couldn't help, but let a big grin take over her face as she started following the path.

While walking towards her goal she then opened up her Recipe Book to check the few Recipes she had.


- Low Grade Healing Potion


- Smoke Bomb

Clicking on Low Grade Healing Potion it showed the necessary ingredients.

[Slime Jelly + 3 Clover Leaf]

[Cannot be crafted due to lack of ingredients]

'I can somewhat guess, where to get both ingredients.'

Thinking that she will probably find both at the Spring Plains she hastend her foot steps.

'3 Clover Leafs will probably be hard to find. Maybe my rings ability can help me here?'

Since she got the ring after her registration as an Alchemist, it makes sense that the second ability of the ring would also be helpful in material gathering. The be-all and end-all of Alchemy was after all the gathering of materials.

"Okay, now this makes me excited." she said to herself and started even using blink step to get faster to the Spring Plains.

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