Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I awoke to the sound of the waves hitting the shore and the smell of my mother baking donuts for breakfast, just as a little moving surprise. I yawned and sat up on the couch. The couch was facing the stone fireplace and there were two big windows on either side of the fireplace. We never needed a fireplace in the Bahamas so that was a new one for me. I stared at the ocean and noticed that the waves were bigger than they were yesterday. They were maybe 4 or 5 feet tall. It was a cloudy, cold day outside. Maybe about fifty degrees. I shuttered and pulled my blanket up higher on my chest. I wasn't used to this coldness.

My mom peeked into the living room from the kitchen. "Oh hey honey! You're up early. How'd you sleep? I'm making donuts for breakfast!" She babbled. I nodded, laying back down on the couch. It is so cold in here! "Uh, I slept good I guess. My back isn't hurting and the couch was soft...enough." I replied, yawning and stretching.

"Oh, that's good. Yeah, it seems a little stormy outside today. Kind of interesting for your first day at Lincoln City High School, huh?" My mom said with an excited tone to her voice. I just shrugged. "Like I haven't seen worse in the Bahamas, mom. We had the worst hurricane in the world down there. I doubt that will happen here." I said with a groan, lifting my feet off the couch and setting them on the cold ground. I cringed slightly, but then slid my feet into my slippers.

"What? Is something wrong?" Mom asked concerned. "Oh, no not really. It's just... my first day at school and... I just... I'm gonna miss everyone! I'm gonna miss everyone so much!" I explained. I didn't really notice that my voice was raising. My mom did though. "I know, I know. It sucks to move, but you wont regret it! I promise! Just give it a little time. We haven't even been here a full 24 hours yet." Mom assured me. I just nodded and pretended to consider it, but I knew that I would never get used to this place. I will always be Bahamian and I will never adjust.

"What time is it anyways? It feels like it's... I don't know; really late like eleven or noon or something." Mom laughed. "You're still in Bahamian time honey. It's now..." She looked at her watch because we haven't unpacked anything yet, including clocks. "Six o'clock. You have plenty of time to get ready for school." Mom said and continued making the donuts. "Yeah, I'll need lots of time because we don't have anything unpacked." I said, looking around our living room at all the unpacked boxes.

I spent a good hour getting ready because it took me a while to find everything in all those moving boxes. Then I was ready to go to school. My mom had to drive me to school because we haven't gotten a car yet or anything. In the Bahamas I had to take a boat to get to my school because it was pretty much a house boat built for school.

When my mom pulled up to the school and dropped me off I instantly felt alone. Everyone around me were staring, or whispering with their friends, or laughing, or just didn't give me the time of day. I wasn't used to so many people going to the same school. I was used to having 10 maybe 11 people in my class at a time. But here, it seemed like I'll have around least. I took a deep breath. Okay, first I had to find my way to the office.

I walked into the main hallway where lockers lined as far as the eye could see. Every once in a while there'll be a door leading to a class or bathrooms or some other room. I took out my map of the school that my mom gave me. She said the school gives them to everyone who's new to find their way around easier. The office should be up the hall a little ways on the right...ah! There it is! I shoved past a group of people about my age to get to the office door. They didn't even seem to notice.

When I walked into the office there were two ladies sitting at their computers typing. It actually looked like they were just aimlessly typing for no apparent reason. "Um, excuse me?" I said in a little louder than a whisper. The first lady looked up. She had blonde hair and she looked like she should be going to our school. I was guessing maybe early 20's. The guys at this school must love getting sent to the office. "Yes, I can help you. What do you need, hun?" She asked, finally looking up from her laptop. It was strange hearing this woman call me hun. She didn't seem to be much older then me.

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