Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Okay, see you at 8 then?" Angie asked me during the only time we really have actual conversations with each other: lunch. "Umm...what?" I replied. I was too busy thinking about the conversation me and my dad had a week ago on the phone, and about the anonymous texter who hasn't texted me back, to actually listen to what Angie had to say.

"Are you okay Amber? All week you've been acting weird. You haven't been listening to a word I say. Is something wrong?" I didn't want to answer her because, really, what could I say? I'm not just going to start bashing this town that she has probably lived in her whole life. That would be so rude and it would be pretty disrespectful to the people who actually do live here and like it here. I sighed; deciding that being fake was the best way to go in this scenario. "Well...umm..." I played with my food. Angie sighed. "Let me guess, you're missing your friends? You're missing your old home? You're missing your dad? All of the above?" She guessed. I looked at her with a slight smile.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to like Angie. I've got to admit the first day, and pretty much until now, I was kind of just using Angie to have somewhere to sit at lunch. But it sounds like she really listens to what I have to say and doesn't just excuse it like most people would. She really listens like a true friend would. "Uh... yeah. How did you-" She cut me off. "I know what it's like to move. I mean, I've never really moved, but it's not that hard to guess. Especially what you've been talking about." I just stared at her blankly. She rolled her eyes. "And, we're talking about the Bahamas here. That's gotta be the most painful move in like... history." She said with a slight laugh. I laughed with her and nodded. The funny thing is, she had no idea. "I'm gonna go get something from the snack bar." I quickly said, getting up to leave. I don't like opening up to people and I know that's what Angie was expecting. It takes me a long time to get comfortable with someone.

I threw my trash away and headed toward the snack bar. The line was always outrageously long. That's part of why I chose to go here. I would have been in trouble if Angie decided to come with me, but I didn't give her enough time to think. I didn't notice anyone in the line but, like always, they seemed to notice me.

It's pretty easy to tell me apart from everyone else. I had long, flowing, auburn, brown hair that was almost always down. Then I had a thin line of freckles that went across my nose. I was decently pretty, I guess; I don't know it's hard to call yourself pretty because all you can see is the imperfections. But the most obvious thing that separated me from everyone else is my tan skin. Unless you naturally had a different skin color other than white, primarily everyone here had pretty pale skin. I had perfectly tan skin. Well, I had a little help living in the Bahamas, but that was how everyone could tell who I was and I guess I was okay with it. It was odd, but you kind of get used to it.

While I was standing in the snack bar line I heard someone get in line behind me. I knew it was only a matter of time when someone would. I nonchalantly turned around and immediately swung around again. Oh no! Not him! I peeked over my shoulder and my eyes weren't playing tricks. It was AJ. Oh...what was I going to say? Did I have to say anything? Oh my goodness...this is terrible, but kind of good. It was terribly good. I looked back again and I noticed that AJ seemed a bit embarrassed and didn't even want to look at me. I couldn't stand this! I wanted to talk to him, but at the same time I didn't. Come on Amber! Just at least say hi! He's already approached you, now it's your time to approach him!

Right when I was about to turn around and say something, Bubba hollered at me from the end of the line. "Hey Amber!" He said with his unmistakable smile. Bubba was a big muscular guy who had the best personality ever. He had a buzz cut but you could tell his hair was blonde. I liked Bubba. He always made me smile whenever I was down, well atleast for the week I've known him. He was game for anything as long as there's action involved. "Hey Bubba. What's up?" Just by Bubba's presence, you start to feel pump. He has that effect on people. "Oh, not much." He shrugged and held his hands out. I laughed. "If you want a hug then you'll have to give me one in line I'm not going all the way to the back of this insane line." He chuckled and walked over. The minute he reached me, he threw his arms around me and gave me his big bear hug. I felt him crush me like a toothpick. "Uh, Bubba?" I gasped. "Cant... breathe..." He immediately let go. "Oh, sorry!" He corrected himself. "Too much?" He asked, his face crinkling up. I nodded, gasping for air. "Just a little." He looked at me, concerned. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" I cut him off. "Don't worry! Your hugs are the best!" I laughed. He chuckled, but he didn't look fully convinced.

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