Unexpected Love part 20

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading my book! I hope you liked it! This was going on a while so I decided that I think it was time to wrap it up, but not fully. I'm wrapping this book up, but right now, I'm planning to do a sequel. So look out for that. Again thanks so much and please vote!!!________________________________________________________________

Chapter 20

AJ's pov

We pulled up to the restaurant. It really wasn't much of a restaurant, it was more like the deli at Fred Meyers. "Kids, go take a seat. I'll get the food." My dad said calmly. I looked around, and, from what I know, there was no mom. I looked up at Olivia and she looked calm and composed. I took a deep breath and followed Bryce to the table. "Knew she'd be a no show. So AJ, I think you owe me...ten dollars?" I scowled and punched him in the arm. "I'm sure she will." I shot back. Bryce just rolled his eyes and rested his feet on the table. "Ah...maybe this could be relaxing." Bryce bent his head back and closed his eyes. "Yeah, like you don't relax enough." I muttered. Olivia spun around and shot a warning glance at me. I immediately shut up. I turned to see dad walking towards us with a plate of food.

"Here you go guys-" Olivia gave dad a dirty look. "-and girls..." He added. She rolled her eyes, clearly irritated like me that mom wasn't here. Dad sat the tray of food on the table. I dove for the jojo's and turkey sandwich before Bryce had a chance. Bryce scowled at me and unwillingly took the chicken salad with taco chips. We all knew not to mess with Olivia's corndog and fries. Surprisingly, my dad didn't buy anything. He just sat there. Unwrapping my sandwich, I looked at my dad. He scanned the room two, maybe three times. I raised an eyebrow. "Dad, you not gonna eat?" He snapped out of it, then looked to the ground. "No, I'm not that hungry. I'll just have you guys' leftovers." I didn't want to say anything, so I just looked at the ground. Olivia obviously did though. "Ew! I'm not sharing my food!" She scoffed. My dad gave her a dirty look and Olivia rolled her eyes. "Oh whatever!"

We sat there and ate. Every few minutes my eyes would quickly scan the room and look back at the table. I'd catch my dad doing the same thing occasionally. Olivia and Bryce didn't even seemed phased that mom was a no show.

When we were done eating, my dad, looking unsatisfied, took all our food to the garbage. Olivia, Bryce and I just stayed put. "Well this was fun." Bryce commented. "Shut up." I spat. "Just come one you two." My dad said in a very mellow, sulky voice.

The drive home was silent. No one said a word. Not even Bryce. I just couldn't wait to get home. That was humiliating. I felt like an idiot for thinking that mom would show up. It was just my stupid luck. My stupid family. When we get home, I'm just gonna sit on my bed and text Amber. Maybe I could call her? Maybe I could go over to her house?

The car pulled in the driveway and I practically jumped out right when it got in park. I ran into my room and dialed Amber's number as quick as I could. It rang a few times then I heard the voice of an angel, my angel. "Hello?" I smiled at her voice. But there was something strange about it. Like a tinge of concern or...worry? Or maybe even sadness. "Hey babe, do you think I could come over?" I heard her sigh on the other line, then sniffle. "Yeah. I was actually just about to call you. We need to talk." When she spoke those words, it felt like I fell off a 100 story building. She's breaking up with me. I know it. She must have found out about my family and...ugh!

I hesitated. "Uh, okay. I'll be right over." She hung up without another word. Should I go over? I've never loved a girl as much as I love Amber. I don't think I could go through that much pain. I took a deep breath and reached slowly for the motorcycle keys.


Amber's pov

I knew immediately when he arrived, I could hear his motorcycle from miles away. When I heard the engine die, I flew out the door. He barely got off the motorcycle before I flung my arms around him. I couldn't control the tears flowing down my face. I just couldn't help it. "AJ..." I sniffled. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. "What's the matter? Why are you crying?" AJ urged. I could tell he was a bit hesitant. "AJ...I...I'm..." I burst out into more tears. Tears streamed down my face, I could even start to feel salt water in my mouth. AJ dropped down so that he was right in front of me. "Amber, what's the matter." I choked a little, then looked at the ground.

"I...I'm moving." I whispered, but whispering was enough. AJ looked up at the sky and sighed a deep heavy sigh. I've never seen him look that agitated before. But, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. "When?" He muttered into my hair. I shrugged. "I don't know. Won't be back at school. I just found out when I came home from school." I sniffled. AJ looked into my eyes and wiped a few tears from my face.

"Where?" He spoke very carefully. "Back to the Bahamas." His eyes lit up barely. "Well that's what you wanted wasn't it? To go back to the Bahamas?" I could tell he was trying to comfort me, but it wasn't working. "Yeah. I mean, I thought I did. But I don't think I do anymore. Since I've met you, there's nothing I want more than you." I spoke carefully, as to not screw up. "I- I love you." I stuttered. He inhaled sharply. "I love you too. But, now I don't think it really matters." He looked to the ground and shuffled his feet around. "I know! It sucks! It's completely mental! Make me move right after I get used to it up here! It's- it's not fair!" I exploded.

He chuckled without any humor whatsoever. "Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one." He mumbled. I sniffled again. "So, I guess this is goodbye?" I said so quietly because if I said it any louder I'd burst out into complete tears. My face was already getting raw from me constantly wiping my tears away, and I don't think I want it anymore raw. He inhaled sharply again and looked at me with the most pained face I've ever seen from him. "I guess so." He sighed and grabbed his helmet.

"Wait!" I stopped him before he got onto his motorcycle. "What?" He asked, trying to hold back a choke. I didn't even wait for another response. I threw myself on him and crushed his mouth. It was the most painful kiss I've ever had. Tears streamed down my face. He was holding back, I could tell. He was trying his hardest, but it's just different when you know this is the last kiss we'll have.

He pulled away. "I have to go." He quickly said then climbed on the back of his motorcycle. I reached out for him. I needed him, for him to comfort me, for him to wrap me in his arms and never let me go. But all he did was look back at me. His eyes filled with pain, bore into my soul. My chest ached. I already was missing him. "Amber, you'll always be the most amazing girl I've ever met. I will always love you." He said. Then he sped off on his motorcycle without another word. Right when he was out of my vision, I burst into tears. Water rushed down my face like a stream. Then, my legs couldn't support myself anymore. I just collapsed. I melted into the ground and cried. Cried and cried. Finally, my mom had to come out and get me.

She escorted me into the house and laid me on the couch. She moved the hair out of my face. "Honey, I know how you feel. Remember, your father left me?" She comforted. I sniffled and sat up. "Yeah, I know." I looked around the room. My living room. That I've been living in for a while now and have actually come to enjoy. Taking in my surroundings, I scanned the world outside the windows. Though I do have to admit, it would be nice to be laying on the beach in the Bahamas, just to wash away my worries. I sighed and laid back down. "What time are we leaving and when?" I blurted. "Tomorrow at 10am." She replied and went to her bedroom to start packing.

I laid crying on the couch for a while. Slowly the living room filled with moving boxes filled with my mom's stuff and my stuff. The more moving boxes piled up, the more my heart ached. It's like every moving box punched a new whole in my heart. It just made it more reality.


"Hey, honey. You say all your goodbyes?" My mom asked. I nodded and frowned, thinking about AJ. "Okay, I guess we're off." The moving guys shut the U-Haul door and climbed in the front. Unwillingly, I stepped into our rental car. "I can't wait to see you father again." I heard my mom whisper as she got in the car. I sat my carry on bag on the ground of the car and looked out the car window, taking in the last of the scenery of the Oregon Coast.


Aww...I hated this ending, but I felt like I had to do it. FYI the sequel to this will be called Beach Love and it's by horse98222 haha but I think you guys already know that. So look for it and please VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!!! Thank you guys so much!!!

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