Chapter Three: Chin Tiki

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Tessa's POV

The Chin Tiki- a subtly tiki-themed nightclub- differs from the clubs that I was used to going to in New York, with decor such as imitation rock walls and a large black light aquarium. Numerous booths and tables are filled with people, as is most of the standing space. Smoke- a mix of marijuana and cigarette- fills the air. And waitresses in traditional asian dresses, serve drinks.

We manage to get a table by the bar and order ourselves some drinks. The girls go over every detail of Gabi and the bouncer's conversation, while I keep an eye out for that guy.

The place is already packed. A busy Saturday night. The dance floor is filled with people, all moving together as Warren G's 'Regulate' plays overhead. We drink and talk for a while, complaining about our boss, our neighborhoods, the men in our lives or the lack of them- our usual conversations.

"So did you find anyone who had connections with modeling agencies?" I ask Hanna.

"I did actually!" She says, excited. "Wink said he knows someone who'd help with a portfolio and-"

"Wink?" I ask, confused.

"Yup." She nods enthusiastically, "He's been so helpful." 

"That's great." I take a sip of my drink, "So what's up with this new boy toy of yours Gab? Is it serious?" I ask her, referring to the bouncer she's been crushing on hard.

"I think he's the one." She smiles. 

"Didn't you say that about the last guy you dated? And the guy before that?" Hanna reminds her. I don't blame her skepticism. Gabi has a tendency to fall hard for guys too quickly. And unfortunately for her, it doesn't always last long nor does it end well.

"Well this time it's for real. Malik is perfect. And tonight we'll make it official." Gabi says, scanning the room briefly till she finds what she's wants. Hanna and I exchange knowing looks. We know exactly how she's going to get him to make it official. She'll find some guy she'll use to make Malik jealous enough to commit to her tonight. It's her M.O.

"Pick a good one, Gabi!" I giggle as she leaves us to approach her target. What Gabi lacks in healthy relationship skills, she makes up for in...well everything else. So she gets a pass on the inevitable drama that will sure unfold.

"What about you?" Hanna says focusing on me, "You need to get some too, girl."

"I get some." I reply halfheartedly.

"When?" She confronts lightly, "The whole time I've known you, you haven't once been with a guy."

I laugh, "Hanna, I've only been here a few months. I've been getting settled in, adjusting, you know. If you must know, I had a healthy sex life back in New York. But I'm on the same page as you, I'm gonna find someone to hookup with eventually." The guy from earlier comes to mind briefly.

"Good. I mean, I'd still love you if you was a prude, but it's a hell of a lot more fun that you're not." she jokes.

When the first few notes of 'Temptations' by 2pac starts playing in the club, Hanna and I move to the dance floor. The room is lit up in red lights in this area, the beat loud as I mouth along to the lyrics and move my body to the music. Hanna has instantly found a partner, but I'm okay on my own, dancing for a while.And then I feel hands on my hips.

A random guy I don't know. He's wearing all black, even a black headband- his hair in braids against his head. He wants to dance- more than even- if his crotch grinding against my ass is any indication. I don't mind dancing with the occasional guy at the club. But I don't appreciate being grabbed and handled like that by someone I don't know, especially without being asked.

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