Chapter Nine: Content

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Jimmy's POV

Tessa's skin glows in the moonlight streaming through her windows. Or at least that's what it looks like as she lays with her head and hand on my chest, leg over my own, asleep comfortably.

I've been awake now for a little over five minutes, just admiring her. She's just so damn beautiful. I'm not sure how I managed to get in bed with her let alone get her to notice me. But I'm so fuckin' happy I did. She's funny and smart. Kind. Great in bed. She's the whole package. 

I didn't mean to fall asleep. It was pretty presumptuous of me to, actually. But it was an accident. I've just been so tired lately between work and uncomfortable nights on my mom's couch. So, after everything we did, I couldn't keep my eyes open when she went to clean herself up. 

I didn't get to fuck her, but I'm not at all disappointed in how it all turned out. I keep going over it in my mind. Her body moving with mine. Her sounds, her kisses, her touches. Her mouth around my- ugh. Fuck. I gotta think of something else before I get hard again. 

So I think about where I'm at, my surroundings. Tessa's place is nice, I noticed that right away. Nothing fancy, but you wouldn't find anything like that around here anyways. It's decorated nice too, not just a bunch of junk. She's not messy, no dishes in the sink or beer cans cluttering the place. No, she's pretty tidy like me. It smells nice too, like lemon or something and her own flowery scent. And she's got fuckin' plants- real ones that aren't dead. I'm not used to this 'normal' shit, but I like it. 

I look around her room, it's pretty bare in here except for the furniture. But on top of the bureau is a large mirror, and I can just make out us in the reflection. Her half naked body wrapped up in mine. God, she looks so good beside me. It looks...right.

I can't let myself think that though. Can't get my hopes up.

Glancing at her bedside clock, I notice the time. I need to go soon. I have to change for work, check in on Lily. Get back to reality. I take one last look at her like this, memorizing. Who knows if I'll ever have another chance to see it again. I slip out from underneath her, careful not to wake her.

Maybe I can leave a note....


Tessa's POV

I wake up, a bit disoriented, to someone getting out of my bed. Wait, who- Oh...Jimmy, I realize quickly before I fully panic. The room is still dark so it's either still the middle of the night or very early in the morning. I watch for a moment as he gathers his things that were strewn across the floor, his bare back visible in the darkness.

I had a great time with him tonight. He's...amazing. Those hands...mmm. No one has touched me as good as him- like he already knew what I liked. And just because we didn't have a condom, didn't mean I couldn't satisfy him just as he did me. And I did satisfy him, that's for sure. If we ever have sex it'll be mind-blowing.

I was happy- and a bit amused- when I came back from the bathroom and found him already asleep. I wanted him to stay, but didn't want to ask. Laying my head on his chest, I fell right asleep- so content. Every moment I spend with him just feels right. I don't want to say meant to be or anything corny like that, it's too soon to tell something like that anyways, but we're definitely compatible and I like everything about him. 

I just don't want this to be a one time thing. If he wanted to though, we could see where this goes.

"Running off?" I tease, finally piping up as he slips his shirt over his head.

He freezes, eye's meeting mine, clearly surprised I'm awake. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay. What time is it?" I ask, stretching a bit as I snuggle more into my pillow. I'm already missing the warmth of his body against mine.

"'Lil after five." He answers, putting on his sweatshirt

"Work?" I guess- I hope. If he was sneaking out to get away from me, I'd be heartbroken.

"Yeah. I gotta go home first though." He tells me regretfully, picking up his hat.

"Mmmm." I mumble, still so tired. He's completely dressed now, meaning he'll be off soon. I don't want him to, but I understand. Still, I call to him to keep him from going, even for only another second. "Jimmy, I...," I want to ask if I can see him again, but I don't want to come off as desperate or clingy. So, instead I smile, "I had a lot of fun."  

He looks at me a moment, thinking. And I wonder if I said the wrong thing. Did he not have fun? But then Jimmy comes over and sits on the edges of my bed and asks me softly, "Do you wanna do something with me sometime? We could get some food or-"

"Are you asking me out on a date Jimmy Smith Jr?" I sit up, too excited to let him finish. 

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am." he says, with a small smile.

I can't even imagine what I look like right now. Yesterday's makeup. Hair unbrushed. Half awake. In only my bra and underwear still from fooling around earlier. But I don't care, because Jimmy wants to see me again just as much as I want to. And not just to get me back into bed. He wants to take me out on a real date. 

"Good. I'd love to." I say, and bite my lip to keep from shrieking in delight.

Jimmy kisses me then. God, I'll never get sick of this. But we can't stay like this forever and sooner than I'd like he's leaving.

"Have a good day!" I yell to him, and I hear a quiet chuckle just as the front door closes. I smile to myself, closing my eyes to go back to sleep feeling unbelievably happy. 



Quick chapter! 

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Also I'm having such a hard time with writing Marshall when I should write Jimmy and Hailie when I should write Lily lol. I keep correcting myself. So if you catch any I miss let me know so I can fix it!!

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