Chapter Twenty: Lose Yourself

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Tessa's POV

I can't stop smiling. Even Jimmy is finally visibly looking happy as he secured his spot in the final round. It's been fun watching him show off his talent, while completely destroying these Free World jerks rhyme after rhyme. Stressful, despite my complete faith in him, but fun. The crowd loves him as they continue to cheer for him even after he walks over to his friends.

"Yeah that's alright. 'Cause Wink got more than seven numbers from your bitch!"

My smile fades away with Lyckety's words as everyone in the crowd laughs. Jimmy's smile is gone too. I can see it bothers him, but he holds it together. I wish he didn't have to. I wish he didn't have to deal with any of this.

There are people looking at me now, unkindly. Some I don't even know. But they think they know me. 

My anger outweighs my embarrassment though. I don't care what other people think of me anymore. But why are they using something that has nothing to do with Jimmy to insult him? To laugh at him? To hurt him?

Because of me. Because they don't know it was in the past. Because I'm Jimmy's girl, and therefor its all free game to use against him.

"That guy is such a dick." Gabi comments, rubbing a comforting hand on my arm. I only nod in response. As much as I appreciate it, the only person who could comfort me right now is Jimmy.

All I want to do is run to him. Apologize all over again. Hope that he still wants to be with me. A bit of me wants to clock Lyckety in the face too.

But I'm not going to distract him now. Not while he's doing so good, and still has the final round to go. Besides, I think it helps him a little to be angry. So I'll stay where I am. Be here for support even if he doesn't know I'm here. This is the most important round. He's up against Papa Doc, the leader of Tha Free World. We're about to find out who wins it all. 

He's got this.

~Final Round~

Jimmy's POV

I stand toe to toe with Papa Doc in the final round. We stare each other down, neither of us looking away or wavering- hostility coming from both sides. This rivalry or hatred or whatever you want to call it, it comes to a head here. 

Future is MC'ing, amping up the crowd about how important this battle is. I think there are more people inside The Shelter than ever before. Everyone wants to see what's about to happen.

Since Papa Doc is the reigning champ, he gets to call the coin toss. When he wins it, Future asks him who he wants to go first this round and he responds still looking me in the eye, "Let that bitch go first."

"Woah!" Future exclaims, getting even more excited for what's to come as my anger just builds.

I saw this coming. I knew, after me going second the previous two rounds and winning, that he'd want to switch it up on me.

Going second you can hit them with comebacks and one up everything they said with your own disses. Play the defense, give yourself time to string together some verses that are better than your opponents. 

But going have to make sure whatever you say hits them hard enough that they can't possibly top it when they go. Which can be difficult when you don't know what the other person is going to say.

But that's the thing. I do already know everything he's about to say to me. And that's his mistake. 

"B-Rabbit!" Future gains my attention, handing me the mic with a knowing smile and a wink, "You know what to do! DJ- kick that shit!" 

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