Chapter 7

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Fred walked out of the elevator and into his penthouse, he slammed the door behind him and made a beeline to the mini bar. He pulled out a bottle of scotch and a tumbler pouring just the right amount he needed to numb the annoying ache he felt. He set the bottle of scotch back in its place before he walked to the living room and plopped down on the couch taking a sip from the tumbler. It left a burn in the back of his throat which seemed to be enough to forget the ache for once since hearing the words from her mouth.

"Well, I've tried the dating thing but I haven't met that one guy that makes me feel...things. No excitement or butterflies like when I'm with..."

She had stopped then, lost in her thoughts and he most especially loved the gasp that followed her silence. He wanted to be the one to put it there but he'll take it any way he can get it.

Damn! That wasn't the point though. There was someone who made her feel the things she wanted to feel and he didn't know who the A was. The look on her face as the realization that she felt that way for someone was like a punch to his gut. And the way she had looked at him afterwards almost made him pull her down the table into his lap and kiss her senseless so she could forget whoever the damned A was. He wanted to wipe every memory she had of him and replace it with his. Just his. Only his.

Oh Shit! He was done for. He needed to find out who the guy was before he decided on his next step. He had the strongest will to make Mia his and he intended on doing just that but he needed to make sure whatever she felt for this guy was just infatuation, nothing serious.

When and how had he gone from getting to know her to make her his?

He sighed as he took another sip from the tumbler. With the amazing night he just had with her, he was surprised. He hadn't had that much fun with a woman excluding the ones in his family before. Being around Mia brought a certain kind of calm to him and he couldn't help but stare at her. She was beautiful in every way and she didn't even know it, her confidence covered that up but he saw it. Her will to help others even though she knew she wouldn't benefit anything from it was inspiring. She was everything Natalie wasn't.


He cussed as the she-devil's name crossed his mind. The thought of her made his mood horrible but with the topic of his train of thought, Mia, the thought of Natalie didn't even affect him like it usually did.

He smiled at that. He hated himself though for comparing Mia to Natalie, they were two very different women and the latter was nothing compared to the first. Natalie was spoilt rotten, selfish, focused on money and her career. Looking back now, he had no idea how he could have been in love with a woman like her. André had pointed out her flaws several times and he has shut his friend down. But André was right about everything, deep down he had been afraid that Natalie was too good to be true and after the break-up after he had taken the time to see things from an entirely different perspective, he had realized that he had nothing to compare to his definition of good.

He had assumed what he had with Natalie was good but boy was he wrong. He was in a rush to have what his parents had, his sister, he had been too focused on starting his own family, he lost sight of what made a family 'A family'. Love, True happiness and Trust; a lot of other things followed that but those were the top of the list for him.

He had been in love, or at least a semblance of it, with Natalie and had trusted her enough but he was never truly happy with her. To put it plainly, he had been slightly miserable. She always found excuses to be away when he needed her. She wasn't the best person to talk to much less relate with or have a laugh with. In short, she had been so wrong for him, but he wanted someone to be with so much so that he ignored all those things.

Mia was everything Natalie wasn't. Everything he wanted to have with Natalie, he had with Mia and she didn't even need to try. She was so easy to be with, to have a conversation with, and her laugh made him want to crack another joke or watch her the entire time as she watched a rom-com, anything to get her to laugh again so he could bask in the feeling her happiness gave him. He loved every sound that came out of her mouth, her voice was like a caress and he wanted to hear what she sounded like in the throes of passion. He didn't doubt for a second that she would scream his name.


He was getting aroused just from the thought of getting her to scream his name.

Fred took a final swig from the tumbler and placed the glass on the kitchen island on the way to his room. He needed to sleep it off, everything. He would decide on his next course of action in the morning when he could think with his head and not his...other head.

But one thing he was certain of was that no matter what his decision was, he would be seeing Mia tomorrow come rain or sunshine, or come whatever. Oh, but his favourite would be when he will make her come.

Come, Mia.
He tested in his head and smiled. It sounded like his current favourite words. Again, with thinking with his other head. Fred groaned as he took off his shirt and let it fall on his bedroom floor, his shoes and trouser following next before he fell into bed with his favourite words on his lips.

No surprise what he dreamt of that night. None at all.

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