Chapter 7 - Huldurfólk

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"I am tired," Barr whined

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"I am tired," Barr whined.

"I thought spirits didn't get tired," Dy shot back and looked at him over her shoulder.

"We do. I am tired now. So obviously we do."

"Come on. We have to make it to the next rest stop before it gets dark. Otherwise we'll never get out of Bursaaq."

I didn't wanna jump into this conversation. I was tired too. My stump was aching from the cold and I had to take my arm off and wrap the stump in Dy's woollen scarf. I couldn't focus on anything but that, so the conversation was a nice distraction. I just couldn't get myself to talk.

"Can we not just take a small break?" Barr asked and stopped. The bird chirped from its spot on top of his head.

"No. Not for another hour."

"I think Al needs a break," he said and nodded towards me.

I glanced at Dy and nodded. "I need a break."

"A short one then. Get something to drink too."

I nodded and dumped down into the snow. I was so damn exhausted.

Dy sat down next to me and unwrapped my stump. She winced and looked up meeting my gaze.

"This looks painful."

"It is..."

"We need to wrap it better. Otherwise the metal is going to get so cold, it'll give you frostbite. We really do need to hurry and get further south."

I nodded and let Dy wrap my arm up again. She blew hot air on it, just to get the skin heated up a bit before wrapping it. Her hands were warm too and I leaned my forehead against her shoulder while she worked.

"Is it too tight?"

"No, it's nice. Feels warmer already."

"Good. Okay, let's get back up again." She pulled me up and fitted her fingers in between mine. "Barr, up. Come on."

Barr groaned and pulled his backpack back on his back. We were all exhausted and this trip was going to kill us if we didn't get further south soon.

 We were all exhausted and this trip was going to kill us if we didn't get further south soon

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