Chapter 18 - Travelling

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"So, you just take this polish and softly run it over the metal," Huck explained to me

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"So, you just take this polish and softly run it over the metal," Huck explained to me. He was teaching me to maintain my arm.

I did as Huck had showed me. "It's hard to do with my left hand," I said and frowned.

"You still not used to it?"

"Not as much as I'd like. I try to do stuff without the prosthetic on but..." I trailed off and sighed.

"Hey, I get it. It becomes a crutch. I sometimes even sleep with mine attached because I hate not feeling the weight of it." Huck smiled, showing off that gap between his teeth.

I nodded and looked back down at the metal. "Yeah. I sleep with mine too. Dy doesn't like it because the metal gets cold."

He snorted and pulled back from the table, took off his prosthetic leg and put it on the table. "It's a learning process. These might be good, but they're not real. It's not us."

"No, they aren't." I smiled a little and dabbed the cloth in the polish.

"Actually, I also took your advice. I've sowed something for uh..." He grimaced and ducked under the table, rummaging through his satchel. "You mentioning a corset gave me the idea."

He put a corset looking garment on the table and scooted it closer to me.

"I just left out the wires and stuff. But with this I can just slip it on and tighten it. So, thanks for the tip."

"It looks good. You're a really great sower, mate." I looked over the seams and then handed it back to him.

"Yeah? You think it'll work? I don't know much about corsets."

"You could cut it up on the front and then put in buckles instead of having to bind it and unbind it all the time."

His eyes widened and then he slapped his forehead. "I should've thought of that."

"I mean, I don't know how well versed you are in women's undergarments," I said and chuckled.

"Not one bit. Especially not something like this. I don't think anyone in Aatskina wears this."

"Latest fashion in Andaheim. Basically torture, but dammit it makes my waist look tiny."

Huck laughed. "Gotta suffer for beauty, huh?"

"You know it."

"Gods, I'm glad I'm not a girl."

"Being a girl isn't all bad. I really enjoy make-up. Dressing up. I like feeling pretty." I shrugged a shoulder and moved on to polish the fingers on my prosthetic.

"Both Dy and I hated that when we were kids. We were a lot more into playing robbers and thieves and stuff like that. We'd go out completely clean and come back covered in dirt. And I'd usually have some scratches and maybe a busted knee."

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