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        At first, Liv had absolutely no idea what to do, the two boys staring at her with warm smiles. Liv, on the other hand, had her lips parted slightly, eyes wide like a deer's. Her eyes wouldn't sway away from Ashton, her heart hammering in her chest so violently that she believed her rib cage was about to break.

        Within seconds, she's throwing herself into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck. She felt hot tears burn against her eyes, the girl fighting to keep them from spilling. They weren't tears of sadness, no, they bread from her joy. 

        She felt his arms quickly tighten around her torso, holding onto her just as tightly. It almost felt like Liv lost was found again, like she was whole once again. No longer a broken half. She knew that she wasn't whole without him, but she never realized just how broken being without him made her.

        "How are you here?" she barely gasps out, her throat tight as she tries to keep from crying.

        His grip only tightens around her as he explains, "When I heard they were sending you all down here, I got myself arrested."

        "Oh my god," she chokes out, tightening her grip on him. 

        Their embrace was cut short when Monty's voice sounds, the boy sounding worried.

        "Liv, look," he voices, Liv reluctantly letting go of his brother and look where Monty's gaze is leading.

        Liv glances up, Ash turning around to see what the duo are staring at in shock. Surrounding the campfire is Bellamy, Murphy by his side as people stand in a line for a meal. The only problem is that they're not receiving anything to eat until Bellamy snaps their wristband off.

        "They're taking off their wristbands for food?" Liv breathes out in shock, quickly storming over toward the campfire. Ash and Monty follow behind her, Liv stating, "I won't do it."

         Facing Bellamy, she stands face to face with him, Bellamy smirking at the sight of her. "Princess, you hungry? You're going to need something to eat after two days of hiking."

        "What do you think you're doing?" she snaps, venom laced in her tone as she narrows her eyes into slits.

        For the second time that day, he grabs her wrist, Liv stiffening under his touch. She was absolutely disgusted by him as of right now, knowing that he's forcing people to take their wristbands off in order to eat.

        "Just take off the wristband and you can have all the food you want," he tells her, his voice deep, the look on his face showing that he's trying to intimidate her.

        "That will never happen," she sneers at him, ripping her wrist out of his grip. "I don't know why you're so hell bent on getting everyone's wristbands off, but I'm pretty sure that whatever you did to get down here makes you scared of what they're going to do when they come, and I'm going to find out what."

        "Are you now, Princess?" he questions, letting out a soft chuckle.

        Her glare hardens at him, the girl snapping, "Maybe you have nobody up there for you, but I have a mom and a dad who I've never even met! Maybe you don't want anyone from the Ark coming down here, but I sure as hell do."

        In an instant, Bellamy's face darkens in a way that Liv never expected to see. Leaning in toward her, his face incredibly close to her's, he snaps, "How large of a fool are you, Liv? You've got to be joking, right? Your mother? You think your mother's actually alive up there? False hope isn't going to help anyone here, you know that she was floated. Hell, everyone here knows that she was floated. And maybe nobody told you that, but I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to put two and two together."

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now