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        Liv was still hurt.

        Although she felt much, much better, she was still too hurt to help the other campers build the wall. That's why she was currently seated on a log, picking at a handful of berries while Ash works beside her. 

        "Was Bellamy right?" Liv asks him, starting to come to terms with the fact that their mother was floated for having her. "That our mother got floated because of - "

        Ash cuts her off quickly, stating, "Liv, it wasn't because of you. It could have been for either of us."

        "I know, I know," Liv breathes out, letting out a sigh. "It just feels that way, you know? And besides, how could she be floated for this? It wasn't her fault that she had twins. It's not like that's something she can control."

        Ash shrugs, explaining, "Life on the Ark isn't always fair."

        "Trust me, I know," Liv breathes out, remember that not even a week ago she was stuck in a jail cell, sitting in her own boredom. "I just - what was the Ark like without being stuck in a jail cell. Actually, no, tell me about our dad! He's still alive, right?" she questions, growing excited over the thought of hearing about her father.

        Ash chuckles at her, grinning. "Slow down, lil sis." Liv throws a berry at him for calling her 'lil sis', sticking her tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes at her, explaining, "Yes, our father's still alive. Like me, we both worked in engineering."

        Liv lets out a sigh, groaning softly. "I don't want to know about that. I want to know about him. What's he like? Like what kind of person is?"

        Ash turns around, setting down the log he had which was going to be put on the wall.

        "You'd like him." Ash smiles softly, wishing that they would have been able to live together as a family along with their mother. "He's the most selfless man I know. He's risked being floated on more than one occasion just to get me medicine when I was sick. He loves you."

        Liv's eyebrows lace together, the girl murmuring, "How can he love me? He's never met me."

        Ash's eyes lock on her's, her brother asking, "Do you love dad?"

        "Of course, but - "

        "Exactly," Ash cuts her off, Liv's lips tightening into a thin line. "He's the one who got me sent down here, you know."

        Little did Ash know that Liv doesn't understand the concept of people loving her just as much as she loves them, for she had never experienced anyone ever giving the time of day to her. A small smile forms on her lips, Liv realizing that her father is up there and she loves him just as much as she does with him.

        "He did?" Liv questions, watching her brother in confusion.

        He glances at her, picking up the log once again while asking, "You don't think a seventeen year old boy could get on a heavily guarded drop ship on his own, do you?"

        She shrugs. "I don't know. I just assumed you did."

        "That's not the - "

        From beside them, a boy drops the log he was carrying, falling to the ground. Liv wasn't surprised that someone had finally given out, knowing that Bellamy and Murphy had been working everyone here way too hard. None of them have even been given drinks, expected to work out in this scorching sun.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now