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        Liv was unable to fall asleep that night even though she spent the whole day working her ass off to help create the flares in order to save those aboard the Ark. The sounds of bugs and animals off in the forest fill her tent, the cool air feeling refreshing on her. Some days she still cannot believe that she was down on the ground, but she was grateful for it. Although, the whole endeavor has been both a blessing and a curse.

        She was lying on her bed, staring up at the top of it, glancing over toward Octavia's bed which she wasn't sleeping in. Liv was a bit worried, unaware as to where Octavia was, but she assumed that she was more than likely with Bellamy or possibly Jasper.

        Of course, she would by lying if she said she wasn't shocked when someone rushed into her tent quickly, Liv glancing up to see Bellamy standing there.

        His eyes widen, noticing that Liv's staring right back at him.

        "You're up," he states in shock, glancing at her in confusion.

        Pushing herself onto her feet, she explains, "Couldn't sleep. How about you?"

        "I'm looking for Octaiva," he gets out quickly, noticing the worried expression written across his face.

        Liv's eyebrows lace together, the girl questioning, "I thought she was with you."

        Bellamy shakes his head quickly, stating, "I can't find her."

        Liv quickly follows behind him out of the tent, murmuring, "Just calm down, Bellamy, okay? I'm sure she's fine. Have you checked the other tents yet? Asked around?"

        He shakes his head quickly, grabbing a torch and walking around the camp, peaking into various tents in search of his younger sister. Liv watches as he makes his way around the campsite frantically, seeming to check every possible place. She could tell that he was growing more and more worried by the second, frantically making his way back to her.

        "Liv, I've checked everywhere in camp. She's not here," he states to her, Liv glancing up at him, unsure as to what to do right now.

        "Okay," she breathes out, running a hand through her hair. "I'll help you look." The two being to walk alongside one another, Liv stating, "You go check the drop ship and anywhere around it while I check all the tents again."

        Bellamy glances down at her small figure, stating, "Thank you."

        "Of course," she breathes out, nodding softly. "And either way, she's my best friend."

        Before he could say anything, Liv quickly walked away from him, searching through the tents once again. For the most part she found sleeping teenagers and the occasional horny ones, but no Octavia. 

        She would be lying if she said she wasn't panicking because in all honesty, she was. With the grounders out there, they have no idea where she could be or if they have anything to do with this.

        Liv looks up, watching as Bellamy makes his way out of the drop ship, an even more worried expression on his face.

        "Did you find her?" he questions quickly, Liv shaking her head in response. Making his way toward the campfire, Bellamy shouts, "Hey, everybody, gather around, and grab a weapon." He tosses a sack full of various weapons onto the ground, Liv grabbing her preferred dagger. She's obviously not great with it, but she's been doing a lot better than before, and besides, she needs to learn how to fight sometime.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now