T H R E E ~ R E A L I T Y

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"Jackie, where is my father?"

I looked at Dr. Francis in panic. How was I supposed to tell this traumatized little girl that her father had burnt to death in a fire that had also burned down her apartment and almost everything in it?

I looked at her eyes. I looked at the way they seemed to twinkle. It was so bright, so innocent and I knew I couldn't have told her the truth just yet.

"He's not here Nerida." I didn't lie, technically, I just didn't elaborate on the truth. I can't bear to see her go back into that traumatic state.

"Oh, well okay. He probably disappeared again. He'll come back in a few weeks," Nerida said dismissively, going back to rubbing my thumb with her tiny fingers.

"Nerida, how often does your dad leave you? Is there someone who stays with you while he's away," Dr. Francis pushed and I glared at him from across the bed.

"Okay, I think that's enough questions for now. Nerida needs her rest," I placed my hand on her head and guided her to lay back down on the pillow.

"But I am not tired Jackie," she complained before turning to Dr. Francis. "And to answer your question, my daddy leaves all the time. I'm always by myself. He would go and when he comes back he brings me all different kinds of stuff. He always brings a lot of groceries and he'd bring more paint for me-"

"Okay Nerida, that's enough chatter for now," I cut her off, not wanting to hear anymore. I didn't understand what was going on here and I felt as though manipulating her into talking wasn't the right approach.

"I think Jackson is right Nerida. Here's what, I'm going to send in a really nice nurse, who's going to take care of the bruise on your hand, okay? Then, she's going to give you some medication that'll help you sleep. Is that alright with you?" Nerida nodded and Dr. Francis turned to leave but not before sending me a look that said it all.

What the actual hell was going on here?

The room was silent after he left and Nerida and I just sat there, staring at each other.

"Jackie," Nerida started and I hummed in response.

Her face was so captivating to me. From the soft dusting of freckles across her tiny nose to her rosy, chubby cheeks. Her eyelashes were so long they brushed against her cheek every time she blinked and don't even get me started on the hazel irises they protected.

Her curly, reddish-brown hair was messily braided in two and it only added to this sickeningly innocent aura that was sending me crazy. This caramel-skinned angel was making me feel things that a twenty eight year old man should never feel for a seventeen year old girl. Especially one who was currently going through one of the most traumatic experiences a person could ever go through.

The nurse came in right on cue and stopped my mind from wandering down a very dangerous path.

Nerida gripped my hand tighter as the nurse approached us and introduced herself. I didn't respond, I just kept my eyes on Nerida and whispered words of reassurance.

With every whimper, I felt my chest clench as the nurse worked quickly and skillfully to mend the damage to her hand.

I was so grateful that Nerida wasn't burnt in the fire. I just know she wouldn't have been able to bear that kind of pain.

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