B O N U S # 4

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... I don't like math so I'm not going to kill myself trying to calculate when this chapter takes place

...brace yourself for all this cuteness
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When I saved a life, when I pulled a body out of fiery flames, I always thought that that feeling was the most invigorating thing ever.

In the last few years, I came to realize that the real reason I became a firefighter wasn't because my father was one. It was because I wanted to feel needed.

I became a firefighter to give my life meaning, to give myself a purpose. Every time I saved a life, that purpose felt as though it was fulfilled. 

I could've never imagined how wrong I was.

My life was no longer centered around putting myself in danger, trying to find some deluded form of gratification. 

My life resides with my wife and our beautiful baby girl.

Going to work used to be the highlight of my day and even then, I went about it without an inkling of excitement.

Now, I'm excited to wake up every single day. My life was blessed. I was blessed.

And I was so very grateful.

"Papa," Freya screamed as she ran and clung to my leg.

This is why

"Hey peanut," I greeted happily, my jaw aching from smiling so hard.

I lifted her up in my arms and hugged her to my body, planting kisses all over her chubby cheeks.

"Miss you papa," she said, struggling to get the words out with how fast she was trying to talk. She had just turned two and was at that stage where her words and sentences were muffled.

I don't care if it makes me a bad parent to say this but I wish she never learns to speak properly. Hearing her try to talk makes my life worth it.

It also pertains to the fact that I never want her to grow up.

"Papa missed you too my little angel," I whispered, placing her hair away from her face.

She got her mother's hair and with it came Nerida's refusal to comb her own hair. Half the time Freya looked like a little rugrat.

It warmed my heart.

"Where's your mommy baby girl?" I asked, taking her attention away from trying to climb my chest.

"Mama kitch'n makin' din," she answered, pointing in the direction.

I chuckled at her words and I saw Nerida giggling in the background.

When she caught my eyes she slyly looked up and down my body, immediately sending chills throughout me. We've known each other for more than eight years and I still have the same reaction when she looks at me with those darn eyes.

I strolled towards her, wrapped my arms around her body and swooped down, kissing the living daylights out her.

The situation was starting to grow steamy but count on Freya to diffuse it.

It's hard to think about pounding your wife on the nearest table when your baby is yelling, "Kish! Kish!" in the background.

"I've missed you Jackie," she whispered against my lips. I nuzzled her nose against mine, basking in the comfort of having my family so close to me.

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