S I X ~ G R O W T H

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Living with Nerida was... different, that's for certain.

She was a light. Looking at that face every day brought me more joy than I've ever experienced in my life.

But don't get it twisted, Nerida Spade sent me crazy, for multiple reasons.

First of all, she was a disrespectful little shit. Stubborn, sassy and had zero filter. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.

She was exactly what you'd expect from a girl who'd never been disciplined in her life, a complete and total brat.

She ate candy like it was going out of style, gave me hell when it was time to shower and never cleaned up after herself. It gave me migraines but she kept me on my toes and it was kind of humorous.

It was impossible to keep a straight face when she screamed and ran around the apartment at one in the afternoon because she was convinced bathing wasn't a necessity.

Take, for example, yesterday I cooked breakfast. It consisted of sunny side up eggs, bacon and toast with lettuce, baby tomatoes and fresh slices of avocado. I worked really hard to make it look like Spongebob and everything.

She threw a downright fit.

Apparently, she was mortified of raw eggs, I didn't cut the crust off her toast and she wasn't a goat so she didn't understand why I was feeding her goat food.

She ended up eating a big bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast, much to her delight.

However, what really sent me crazy was the fact that Nerida never wore bras. It was fine when she wore my t-shirts and hoodies because it would cover everything up. But every other time, it wasn't very easy to keep my eyes above her neck.

Now I'm not saying I look below her neck, I'm just saying it's hard not to. Especially considering how... blessed she was in that area. All areas actually.

Shut up Jackson.

"Okay, Jackson. I'm ready for my big day," Nerida came skipping into the living room, all decked out in her outfit for today. "Do you like it?"

She did a little spin and once again I had to avert my eyes. She wore a red turtleneck sweater with a tiny little black skirt that was way too short and way too tight. And in true Nerida fashion, she didn't wear a bra.

I was terrified of two things

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I was terrified of two things. One, I thought she was going to freeze to death outside and two, I was afraid I was going to go to prison today. But I couldn't wipe that smile off her face.

"As always, you look beautiful Nerida." She beamed and launched herself at me for a hug.  "But you have to go put on a pair of tights. It's freezing outside."

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