E L E V E N ~ M G K M

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I was in a daze.

I'd never been happier that I didn't have work because, after last night, I didn't even have the mental capacity to get off my bed, let alone make coffee all day.

Last night... was amazing.

Jackson actually touched me and let me touch him. I mean, we didn't go all the way and I had to blame myself for that since I fell asleep in the cab. I rolled over on the bed and screamed into the sheets.

Why did I have to be such a baby sometimes? He could've fucked me last night.

The thought alone made me shiver.

Thinking about his rough hands on my body, squeezing and touching me in any way, manner or form. He was so large in comparison to me and the difference was so... stimulating. I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if he just strips naked and let me admire him.

I wanted to sit and investigate every inch of him. I wanted him to lie by the window in the nude, let the morning sun shine on him so I could paint him.

I missed Jackson.

He had to go to work this morning and I really wished it wasn't so. I rolled out of bed and stood up, Jackson's hoodie falling down to my knees.

I briefly remember him waking me up last night to take off my dress but other than that, I was knocked out.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I mumbled to myself as I strolled into the kitchen.

I found a covered plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast on the kitchen island and picked up the note next to it.

Good morning beautiful,

I deeply regret not being able to see those hazel eyes before I left for work this morning, even if waking up with you in my arms is enough to tide me over.

I'm sorry our night didn't go as planned but when I get home today, we should sit and have a conversation about everything that's been going on between us recently.

Until then, be a good girl for me okay?

Love, Jackie

I hugged the letter to my chest and squealed, spinning and dancing around the kitchen like a maniac.

I was so lucky to have him. There was no one more caring than Jackson. He made my eggs to the point of being burnt, just the way I liked it and even made sure to cut the crust off my toast.

He was so good to me and I wanted to show him that I appreciate everything he's done for me. I wanted him to know that I'm grateful to have him in my life, that I wanted to be with him.

I tucked away his letter into the little box where I usually kept them. Then I turned on the TV and watched some reruns of The Big Bang Theory while I scarfed down my breakfast.

I wasn't sure what my plan was for today. Usually, I would just work on my paintings but I knew I wouldn't be able to focus with all these thoughts of Jackson running through my head.

It was so hard to believe that the day was finally here; the day where I'd tell Jackson how I really felt. I was scared and nervous, yes, but I was excited more than anything else.

I needed to see him.

A light bulb went off above my head as an idea struck me.

I'll make some lunch for Jackson, dress really pretty and carry it to work for him. That way, I can get to see him and he can see that I am wife material.

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