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"Run! Go Go Go!" The Asian man screamed in Chinese as he got into the black BMW.

The Driver, startled at the noise he heard from the building moments ago and the man that had jumped into the back seat of his car took off in a panic.

"What the hell happened?" The Driver asked, glancing at the rear view mirror at the man in the back who was looking through all the windows.

"That lunatic happened!" The Man gasps. "That fucking insane man!"

"You don't mean-" The Driver's eyes widened as he stared at the road.

"Yes, it's him," The Man said slumping down in his seat. "It was fucking him."

The Driver was silent after that as was the man. The driver drove fast and in silence, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart as was the man in the back. Neither could help it, the fear of death had sunken into both of their hearts and minds. The two had eventually made it to the warehouse where the rest of the gang had set to meet, just outside Gotham city. The two Chinese triad members stumbled out of the car, glancing around their surroundings.

The man banged on the door hard, "Open up! Let us in now!"

A metal slide opened, revealing a pair of eyes behind the door. The slide closed and door creaked open. The pair walked in met with multiple people watching the two as they approached their boss.

"Well?" the boss asked. "What happened? The two of you, I know, were in charge of the weapons deal with Penguin's middle man. But I see only the two of you here, and worse, not a single new gun. So what happened? Or do I need to beat it out of you both?"

The two had fear filling their bodies as their boss said this, "N-No boss! It wasn't like that!" The Driver tried to explain.

"He's right, we just barely escaped, me with life," The Man agreed, as he started remembering the moments that happened just and hour or two ago. "The deal was going down as planned, my men were loading up the guns while I was handing over the money when we were attacked. The whole place was shot up, grenades going off, guns being shot, people being blown to shit and ripped apart by bullets. I got away because I was able to hide, but this was all done by one man. It was him, the one that destroyed the Irish, the Dogs of Hell, and has been crippling both us and the Russians."

The other men exchanged nervous glances with each other, everyone knew who the two were talking about, exactly who. The boss took a few quick strides to his minion and grabbed his shirt pulling him closer.

"Did he follow you? Is he here now?" the boss demanded.

"N-No, I don't believe so!" The Man stuttered out. "We didn't see him when we got out of there."

Outside the warehouse, on the roof of a building across the street, a man dressed in all black kevlar armor was humming a light tune. The man lifted up his booted foot and put it up on the slightly raised edge of the building, facing the warehouse. He lifted up the rocket launcher, putting it on his shoulder, looking through the scope and aiming through the large window seeing the Chinese Triad.

"One batch, two batch," He muttered, his finger over the trigger. "Penny and dime."

With that, he pushed his finger down, pressing the trigger. the rocket shot out of the large gun causing a kick back that didn't affect the man doing the shooting. The rocket entered through the window, hitting the desired target. The building then exploded, fire shot out of the windows breaking glass. The man on the roof felt the wind from the blowing against him, causing his hair to blow around a little. He tossed the rocket launcher aside hearing it clatter to the ground. He jumped down from the building, his trench coat flowing behind him as he landed on the ground unharmed. He started walking to the newly destroyed building, adjusting the kevlar mask around his nose and mouth as he entered. He took out two hand guns from the inside pockets of his coat, surveying the damage he caused. He saw that a few had survived, they slowly tried to crawl to the exit only to be met with a bullet in the head by the masked man.

"Pieces of shit," he muttered as he walked to the one man he desired to talk to.

He saw the Triad leader slowly crawling like his minions and stopped walking, stopping right in front of his path. The Triad leader continued to crawl, oblivious to the masked murder until his hand landed on his boot. The mafia boss slowly looked up, catching the silver skull painted upon the kevlar vest under the black trench coat.

"Punisher," the boss managed to squeak out in fear.

"Someone get this man a prize," The Punisher said kneeling down to the Triad's leader.

"B-But you look like a teenager," the leader spoke in confusion.

"I get that a lot," he said pressing his gun into the Asian man's forehead.

"Please, I'll give you anything," the leader said desperately.

The Punisher grabbed the man's hair pulled his head up, holstering his gun for the moment. The Boss cried out in pain, "What I want," The Punisher said in a raspy voice. "Is you dead, for everything you've done. To the people you've hurt, for the lives you've destroyed, and for lives of my family that were lost by your guns."

"L-Look I know who you are," The Triad leader tried to reason once again. "The other gangs, we were manipulated to try and kill each other. It wasn't our fault."

"Really?" The Punisher asked now very curious. "Then who told you to do to that place and attack each other?"

"If I tell you, they'll kill me," the boss told him.

Punisher looked at his shoulder, parts of his skin were missing revealing muscle, bone, and lots of blood. The Punisher dug his hand into the wound, causing the Triad leader to scream out in pain, "I'd be more worried about me right now," he growled. "Who. Was. It?"

"I don't know exactly who," the man cried out. "All I know is that they go by the name The Light. It's made up of multiple people, all of them powerful. That's all I know, that and if you cross them, you don't see the next morning."

"Very educational," the Punisher said slowly standing back up. "But that doesn't change the fact that you and the other gangs pulled the trigger, you hold some of the responsibility."

The Punisher pulled out his hand gun, aimed at the Triad Boss, pulling the trigger and emptying the mag into his head. He looked down at the now dead man is disgust, "And you got blood on my boots."

The Punisher heard the sound of police sirens getting closer and closer, so he quickly walked out of the building, and pulled out a grappling and grappled to the top of building and watched the police and ambulances roll in and start blocking it off. He watched as Batman and his younger side kick came into the mix as well, checking things out and questioning police. He noticed that there was sudden commotion as the paramedics found a living person. He must have missed someone on his way out.

He pulled out parts of a gun and started putting them together, the configuration turning into a sniper rifle. He set it up on the short wall of the building and looked through the scope, aiming between the heroes, police, and paramedics surrounding the surviving Triad member. He got a clear head shot as it seemed he was spewing all the knowledge he knew.

"One batch, two batch, penny and dime," he muttered for the second time that night before firing the gun.

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