Chapter 11

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Aqualad froze as he stared down the barrel of the gun. It hadn't been the first time he'd seen a gun nor would it be the last so it wasn't the gun that terrified him, it was the man who held it. The Atlantian brought out his waterbearers, his tattoos lighting up blue as did the water as they turned into swords.

"We do not need to fight," Aqualad spoke.

"Probably not, but it'll be the only way to get out of here," Punisher shrugged.

"You led us here, you knew we'd find you so why stay?" Aqualad asked, stalling for time as he let his team start getting into position surrounding the anti-hero.

"To be honest, I wanted to see who'd they send, can't say I was expecting the Junior Justice League, but they probably sent you guys thinking I wouldn't be here," he shrugged. "You can tell your team to come out now, though, I already know I'm surrounded."

The team slowly walked out of the shadows, weapons or fists raised ready for a fight, "Punisher you need to surrender," Robin ordered. "Step away from Kid Flash and put down your weapons, there's no getting out of this one."

Punisher chuckled, "Please, there's always a way out."

The gun man quickly shot Superboy in both his shoulders and Aqualad in the leg, much to everyone's surprise, the bullets entered both heroes and sent them to the ground, "Titanium bullets in a modified gun," Punisher smirked. "If I remember, Superboy is still half human, so not as indistructable as Superman, and Atlantian skin is tough but not indestructable."

Punisher whipped around and started shooting at Robin and Artemis, both of them jumping behind crates to avoid getting shot. He saw Ms. Martian start to fly up so he reached into his pocket and pulled out some small bombs. He threw them at the girl causing her to go hurtling to the ground, the fire from the bombs affecting her greatly. Artemis shot a few arrows but none of them hit their target as Punisher dodged them with ease. Robin sensed a presence behind him so he spun around and punched the person running at him. Said person happened to be Robin and he went to the ground hard. 

"Robin!" Artemis cried and ran at her enemy.

Artemis raised her bow attempting to hit him but Punisher grabbed the bow quickly rendered her unconscious. He looked around seeing heroes either unconscious or trying to deal with their injuries. Punisher made his way over to Robin who was battling unconsciousness.

"Well," he said, leaning down to the Boy Wonder. "You all gave it your best shot, I'll give you that."

"Someone will get you," Robin swore, his words slurred a bit.

"Sure," Punisher shrugged. "But today is not that day. Give daddy bat a little message for me; stop hunting me, or the next time I raise my gun, it won't be to injure, this is the last warning all you heroes get."

"You think killing is how you get revenge? You think all the murder you do is going to change anything? Kill one, another will take their place."

"Then I'll just kill that one too," Punisher shrugged. "And the next, and the next. You see, I know taking down gangs won't bring my family back, but taking them down means it won't happen to anyone else. So stay out of my way."

Punisher took the communication device out of Robin's ear and pressed the button, "Hey Bat, come get your kids, some of them are in rough shape."

He threw the device onto the ground, crushing it with his boot before walking out of the building and entering the shadows.

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