Chapter 3

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Punisher glared harshly at the woman he had the dishonor of calling his mother.


"Don't call me that!" Punisher yelled, cutting her off.

"But that is who you are," Thalia said taking a step forward. she didn't flinch as a gunshot went off and a bullet whizzed passed her hitting the wall behind her.

"Don't take another god damn step," he snarled. "Now why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see you," she said simply smiling lightly.

"Bull," he scoffed. "Are you worried I'm getting to close to you and whomever this Light thing is? That's why you're here, isn't it?"

"I'm here because you're my son," she told him. "I wanted to see you again, because I love you."

"No," he shook his head. "You never did love me, not since the moment I was grown. You and I both know the only reason I exist is because you wanted a weapon to take over The Shadows, become the new Al Ghoul, blah blah blah. I really don't give a shit. So, get the fuck out of here, I don't want to speak to you."

Thalia looked saddened and defeated, but slowly took a few steps back, Punisher not dropping his gun for a moment, "I didn't want to have you force grown in a lab," she told him. "I wanted you as my son, but my father wanted the perfect weapon. Creating you was the only way I could have a son while giving my father what he wanted."

"I don't care," he said, keeping his glare but lowered his gun. "The only real family I've known, was the Castles. You should know that, they gave me a good life and my name, Frank Castle."

Thalia nodded sadly before walking out the front door. Front turned around and glared at his target board, trying to keep his emotions under control. Thalia on the other hand, was walking out of the apartment building when she pulled out her phone and dialed an old number.

"Hello?" a raspy male voice rang through the phone.

"Hello, beloved," Thalia spoke. "There's something you should know."

"Is it the fact I have a son?" the man growled through the phone.

"Of course you've already figured it out," Thalia chuckled. "And yes you do. My father wanted the perfect weapon to lead the Shadows, but I wanted a son. So, he took your DNA as well as mine and cloned him. He's a perfect version of both you and me, but more you for obvious reasons. He was born Alam Al Ghoul, but after he ran away, he was adopted and took the name Frank Castle."

"Why are you giving me this information so willingly?" The man asked.

"Because, Bruce," Thalia sighed. "You would have found out eventually. Might as well get this out of the way so you don't have to break into my home and demand answers. Do with this information however you want, but remember, he's yours too."

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