Chapter 4

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It was late that night, the moon and the stars showed brightly, and Frank Castle decided to have night off. The gangs were all pretty much wiped out, thanks to him, and he was stuck on where to find the Light, so he walked into Bibo's Diner just wanting a slice of cake and a coffee. Yes, one of the most violent people in the city had a bit of a sweet tooth. Big deal. The young man sat down in the corner of the diner, being sure that he could see the entire diner but was close to an exit, the back door to be exact. Bibo walked over. He adjusted his black trench coat, being sure it still covered him.

"Isn't a bit late for a kid you to be out this late, Kid?" The middle aged man asked.

"Couldn't sleep," Frank shrugged. "Coffee and a slice of Devil's Food please."

"If you order a coffee you're not going to sleep," Bibo scoffed, scribbling down his order before returning to the kitchen.

Frank pulled out his phone, checking the new feeds, reading the latest headlines, "Punisher. Hero or Villain?"

Frank raised an eyebrow a bit, he'd gotten a lot of attention from the news, and he was becoming a bit paranoid about people who would want to be looking for him. The bell to the door rang and a couple entered, a man and a woman both blondes. They were laughing with each other and sat in a booth next to the window. The man was carrying some sort of duffle bag, making Frank a tiny bit suspicious. Bibo walked over to Frank as he looked away from the couple. He place the cake, coffee, and a fork in front of me.

"Enjoy," He smiled a bit.

"Thanks," Frank nodded back, taking his eyes off the couple and putting his attention on his food and drink.

As Frank took a sip of his coffee, a man dressed  in a suit with a fedora tipped to hide part of his face entered. He carried a briefcase and sat with his back to Frank in a booth a few booths away from the couple.

"Why are there so many people here tonight," Frank heard Bibo mutter from behind the bar. 

Franks eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, he took a few bits of his cake, noticing out of the corner of his eye, the female of the couple whom he could see her face, glance at him occasionally.  He put the fork down next to his half eaten cake and started drinking his coffee, looking at the other man out of the corner of his eye. He walked as the mysterious man, who was reading the paper, tapped on the table twice, which cause the male of the couple to tense slightly. 

Frank downed the rest of his coffee before calling over Bibo. He pulled the correct amount of money out of wallet and handed it to Bibo, "Thanks for the cake, and the coffee," Frank said to the man as he stood up. 

Frank walked to the door, catching eyes with the female in the diner. Frank glared at the blonde and walked out of the diner, he started walking down the side walk, going into the alley between the diner and another building. There, he leaned against the wall, waiting.

Inside the diner, the blonde's eyes widened as the bell rang when Frank left the diner, "He knows," she said.

"You can't be sure, Dinah," The man across from her said.

"Oliver, he looked at me and glared," Dinah told him. "He. Knows."

"Let's go," The other man said, standing up and tossing down his paper. "Dinah's right, he knows. There's no way he wouldn't."

Dinah quickly took off her pedestrian clothing, become the hero Black Canary, Oliver did the same becoming Green Arrow, "Canary, go out the front," Batman said, adjusting his cowl. "Green Arrow and I will track him from the roof."

Canary nodded and ran to the front door while the other two heroes ran to the back, passed a less than surprised Bibo, who was used to heroes in his diner. Batman but a twenty on the counter, "Keep the change," he said, before running out with Green Arrow.

Canary ran out of the diner, looking the direction Punisher went, but couldn't see the man dressed in a trench coat. She took a running motion and went to turn down the alley, when she gasped. Her eyes widened as she stared down the barrel of a gun, pointed right in her face. She froze, only moving her eyes up from the gun to the man who's face was now covered by shadows. He was leaning against the wall casually, completely calm.

"Nice night we're having," He spoke, his voice having a rasp in it. He pushed the safety button, it turned off with a small click. "Isn't it?"

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