Smoke Break

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I looked at her, the wind running through her sex hair as she flicked the ashes off of her cigarette, my shirt around her loosely as she leaned on the balcony railing.

"You're so fucking beautiful." My warm breath hit her ear.

"I know." A cocky smirk playing on her lips before she took another drag of the cigarette between her fingers.

God, she drives me crazy. I could see her nipples through the thin fabric of my borrowed shirt, it's all that I can do not to just rip it off of her and tease her until she's begging to be touched elsewhere.

"So, what brings you to the Moon Inn Beach Side Resort?" She asked, clearly mocking the unnecessarily long name.

"My sister took me on vacation to get away from "the stress of teaching" but halfway through her husband showed up so now it kinda feels like I'm third wheeling on their honeymoon." I explained, leaning my head on her shoulder in an exhausted manor. Which honestly, I am a bit tired from our earlier rendezvous.

"You're a teacher?" A surprised tone falling past her lips. "Yeah, is that hard to believe?" I awkwardly chuckled.

"Not at all, you just seem like too much of a free spirit to be locked up in a classroom all day."

I smiled at her. I suppose she's right, I always thought I'd be a traveling artist or photographer when I dreamed about growing up.

"It's not all that bad, I teach first grade so the kids keep my mind young." My voice sounded a bit sad but I didn't mind my job.

"I think I would go crazy if I had to spend all my time in a room full of children." She laughed light-heartedly.

"Wait you said you came here with your sister right? Do we have to worry about being walked in on then?" Her voice wavered nervously.

"She ditched me and got her own room with her husband yesterday, we have nothing to worry about." I assured her.

"That sucks. But at least you got sex out of it, right?" She giggled.

I kissed her cheek. "Definitely worth it. Not to mention I'm standing on a beach view balcony with a really pretty girl who's wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of panties both of which she borrowed from me." I said as I wrapped my hands around her waist gently.

"Sounds like paradise if you ask me," She breathed out the last puff of her cigarette before putting it out.

"What about you? Who're you here with?" I returned the question, looking out at the peaceful waves of the ocean.

"My soon-to-be ex husband, he doesn't know yet." She answered so casually.

My eyes widened with shock but I tried to act cool. "What's keeping you together?"

"We have a kid. And from experience, I know it sucks when your parents spilt and I don't wanna screw her up, ya know?" Her fingers tapped lightly on the railing almost nervously.

"You just got a lot more complicated..." My mind suddenly thought about what it would be like to raise a child with this woman. But that's ridiculous, we've only known each other for a few hours.

"Too much for you to handle?" She teased.

"Not at all." I replied before grabbing her neck to bring her head back and smashing our lips together.

"Hey, by the way... What's your name?" She asked after we pulled away. We both giggled at that.

"Melanie." I answered before pecking her nose. She smiled at me, a slight blush covering her already rosy cheeks.

"I'm Kara." She copied my motions, kissing my nose too.

"That's a really fucking hot name." My hands moved to their own accord, taking in upon themselves to slip under her shirt.

She turned around and pushed me back into the room, a devilish smirk across her face making her that much more sexier as my legs met the edge of the bed forcing me to fall backwards as Kara climbed on top of me.

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