Chapter 3

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After picking up my phone from the floor, because let's face it, when a celebrity sends you a DM, any celebrity, you're shocked so it's perfectly normal to drop your phone, I just stood there staring at the screen. I was in complete and utter shock, now let's add the fact that I had just spoken to him through his live session and that on top of that he had followed me. I just couldn't process everything at the same time, my life was pretty uneventful, I wasn't used to having these things happen to me, what a day.

When the initial shock was over, I opened the message to see what he had written.

N: Hi Sofia, I enjoyed talking to you today. He had sent the message 5 minutes ago. Holy shit. I wanted to reply quickly, to have a better chance of him answering me back. My fingers started to tremble as I responded, so I had to type the message about 7 times, because I kept pressing the wrong letters.

S: Hi Niall, I really enjoyed talking to you too, thank you! I hit send and immediately regretted it, the exclamation mark was too much wasn't it? Shit. There was nothing I could do, the message was already sent. Oh well, come what may, life goes on, I thought to myself. I exited the conversation quickly because people could see when you've seen their messages, and I didn't want to seem that desperate. I mean, let's face it, I was kind of desperate, but I wasn't going to let Niall know that. Thank god my chat history with him and the boys got deleted with an Instagram update about 2 years ago, it would have been embarrassing if it wasn't. I just started imagining what Niall would have thought about me if he'd open up my chat and a thousand messages came flooding in: I love you Niall, Niall please follow me back, Can't wait to see you again Niall. He never would have sent me the message he sent me, so thank god they got deleted. I remembered that I had my Instagram notifications turned off, but now that Niall was 'talking' to me, conceited much, I know, I decided to turn them back on, to be notified when he replied. Correction: if he replied to me. I think too highly of myself.

Not 3 minutes had passed when I got a notification: New message from Niall Horan. I hate that Instagram doesn't show you a preview of the message, or maybe that's just my phone settings, I'll have to check that. Being the girl that I am, I decided to wait about 2 minutes before opening the chat. Because you know what they say, you should make them wait. I was initially going to wait at least 5 minutes, but my anxiety got to me and I couldn't wait any longer, I mean, it was Niall Horan, the rules don't apply to him right?

N: Thank you for not being all like: I love you Niall, thank you for picking me and stuff like that. It was nice to have a pleasant conversation with someone and actually be able to speak to each other. Not just shriek, scream and giggle like other girls do.

S: No problem at all. I hate it when people are like that btw. I imagine that you get a lot of messages and have a lot of conversations just like those and it must be tiring. I responded, obviously omitting the fact that I was just really good at hiding my shrieking, screaming and giggling and actually waiting until the end of the conversation to do it.

N: Yeah, it's not that great to be honest. So you told me you're from Monterrey, Mexico right? If I recall correctly that's one of my last shows.

S: Yes, I think it's your first show in Mexico. And if I'm correct and you don't add any more shows, you're closing your tour in Mexico in December?

N: I won't be adding any more shows, 9 months of touring is a lot, trust me. Last tour wasn't this long, it was about 4 months long, this one resembles more to my One Direction tours, and those were pretty tiring. I will be closing my tour in Mexico.

S: I can't imagine what it's like being on tour for 9 months. I bet you miss your house and your routine. The most I've been away from home was two months and trust me, the last 2 weeks I was already eager to come back home.

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