Chapter 57

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~December 26~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family, eating a lot and opening all of the presents we had gotten each other. I received lots of makeup and my parents bought me a new gorgeous handbag. Today I leave for London to see Niall and then we'll go to Ireland so that I can finally meet his family. I'm actually quite nervous about this, I always get nervous when meeting my boyfriends' parents. I just hope everything goes well and that they'll like me. Niall had bought my plane ticket, I had tried to pay him back countless times, but I finally caved when he told me that it would be my Christmas present.

"You've got everything you need?" My mom asked me for the 10th time before leaving.

"Yes mom, I do." I sighed.

"Passport? Visa?" She continued.

"Yes, here they are." I waved them in front of her.

"Great, then let's get going then." She spoke as my dad took my luggage to the car. They were both taking me since I wouldn't be. seeing them for a month. 5 minutes later we were on the road headed to the airport.

"So what did you end up getting Niall?" My mom inquired halfway through the drive.

"A Craft Beer Subscription, since you know how much the Irish men love beer, a long distance touch bracelet set and a new guitar case." I know it was a lot, but he had gotten me a first class seat tickets to London and back, do you know how expensive those are?

"That's great sweetie. Did everything fit in your luggage?" She asked.

"The subscription is a little card and the bracelets came in a small package, so I had no trouble fitting those. The guitar case I ordered it directly to his house, since it wouldn't fit. I've been tracking it and it's supposed to get there tomorrow."

We carried on talking for the rest of the drive, and after 45 minutes we finally got to the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." My mom hugged me goodbye.

"I'll miss you a lot too." I responded, trying to cut back my tears. If I started tearing up, then my mom would start crying too.

"Promise to text me at least once a day, and call us as much as you can."

"Will do, I promise." I responded as we broke apart from our embrace.

"Bye baby, have a safe trip." My dad hugged me too.

"Thanks dad."

"Let us know when you get to New York and then when you get to London." My mom instructed me.

"Yes mom. I'll text you when I get there. Bye."

"Bye." They responded in unison as I started to walk away towards the security line.

After going through security I made my way to the first class lounge, since my flight didn't leave for another two hours. I tried all of the snacks and beverages they had there for free, and after I was done exploring I decided to call Niall.

"Hi love. How are you?" Niall answered in a cheerful tone.

"Hi baby. Pretty good, and excited. I can't wait to see you."

"Me neither. At what time do you get here?" He inquired as I took out my ticket to see the time stamp.

"It's says here that the plane lands at 9am London time."

"Perfect. I'll be there to pick you up at that time then."

"But, won't you get mobbed?" I inquired, since Heathrow airport was huge and it was always crowded.

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