Chapter 33

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I woke up the following morning with a smile on my face. Niall and I had finally slept together and it was even better than I had ever expected. I was kind of nervous at first because we haven't really talked about how many people we both have slept with. But I'm assuming his body count is higher than mine, so that's why I was a bit nervous. Everything was amazing and he made me feel loved every second of it.

We lounged in the hotel all morning and then headed to a private booth in the hotel restaurant to have lunch with the some of the people from his team. They were all quite nice and told me that Niall wouldn't stop talking about me. I found it very cute, but Niall kept shooting daggers with his eyes whenever someone said that, he was clearly embarrassed. 

When it was time for soundcheck we both traveled with his team to the venue, and since there were fans that were going to see the soundcheck I decided to stay and watch from the side of the stage. I don't want there to be any rumors and have people talk shit about me online. I decided to record Niall for some TikToks, getting my 'exclusive' material. My account now stood at a whooping 134k followers, thanks to the boys' input.

"How was it?" Niall asked me as he came back from the stage.

"It was amazing. It's so different to watch soundcheck from here, it gives you a whole different perspective. You get to see all the work behind the scenes."

"Yeah, it really is something else." Niall spoke before kissing my forehead. "I have to go and do meet and greets for about half an hour, you can lounge in dressing room if you'd like."

"Wait, actually, would you mind if I posed as one of the girls attending the meet and greet? I'd love to have a picture with you. Well, one I can upload at least."

"Yes, of course love. And you know, if you want to upload any other picture of the two of us, you totally can. I don't mind."

"Thank you baby. I know you don't mind. But I'd just like to keep our relationship a secret a bit longer."

"Okay baby. I'll let Preston know our plan, and he'll take you to the room where the meet and greet is going to happen. Make sure to be the very last in line, that way you can head backstage with me afterwards."

"Perfect, thank you. See you in a bit." I told him before pecking his lips. Niall went to find Preston and came back with a VIP pass so that I could hang it around my neck, just like all the other people in the meet and greet would have. 5 minutes later Preston was leading me to the meet and greet room, I got in and scanned the room. There were about 30 girls already here and everyone was eager to see Niall.

"OMG I'm so nervous." The girl in front of me suddenly spoke and I could see that she was shaking.

"Oh don't be. Come here." I voiced as I opened my arms to let her in for a hug. Whenever I'm nervous, being held usually calms me down, so I presumed it would do the same for her.

"Thank you." She uttered after a few seconds into the hug.

"No problem. Being hugged always helps me." I smiled at her.

"Yeah, it did help me calm down. I'm Katie by the way." She introduced herself.

"I'm Sofia."

"Nice to meet ya." She said, alluding to Niall's tour name, and we both started laughing.

"You too. So, is this your first time meeting Niall?" I inquired.

"Yes, hence why I'm so nervous. I've been a fan of his for about 8 years, since I was 12."

"Oh, it's so great you finally get to meet him. So you've been a fan since One Direction?"

"Yeah, you?"

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