Chapter 46

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~November 24~

*Niall's P.O.V.*

Today's the day in which I go to Monterrey. I've been waiting for this day for a really long time. I can't wait to hold my girlfriend in my arms again. We saw each other at the end of last month, but to me that seems like ages away. I've never been to Monterrey so I'm really excited to be going there for the first time, but at the same time I'm quite nervous. I'm meeting Soph's family in person for the first time and I really want to make a good impression. On her parents at least. I was thinking about flying her to London to spend New Years with me and take her to meet my family. It was all my mom could talk about this past week that I've spent with them. She's eager to meet the girl that has made me this happy. And that's why I need to make a good first impression with her parents so that they'll let her come to London and Ireland with me. I know she already travelled to see me before, but she was in the US, which was closer to her country than Europe. We are talking about a transatlantic flight. Obviously I had to run the idea by her first, but I'm sure she'll be delighted to come. I have just landed in New York and from here I'm taking another flight to Monterrey. The plane doesn't depart for another 2 hours, it leaves at 1 pm, so I have time to kill. After I took a shower and changed my clothes in the private bathrooms they had there for us, I decided to call Soph.

"Hey babe, how are you?" I asked her. This time I decided not to Facetime with her since there were more people in the private lounge and I didn't want prying eyes.

"Really good. Can't wait till you get here. I'm so excited!" She shrieked into the phone, making me laugh.

"Me too. I can't wait."

"My family is eager to meet you as well. But I told them they'd have to wait until tomorrow." She continued speaking.

"I can't wait to meet them either." Even if I was nervous as fuck, I still wanted to meet her family. From what we had spoken on the phone and the pictures she had shown me, they all looked like really nice people. Sofia had offered me to stay at her place, they have a guest room. But I politely declined, I don't want to intrude on her family. It was easy for her to stay with me because I live alone, but she lives with her family so we finally agreed that me staying in a hotel the whole time would be the best option.

We continued talking and making plans until I heard a voice through the speakers

"Flight AM272 boarding will begin in 5 minutes." That was my flight.

"Babe, they just announced that they'll begin boarding soon."

"Yay, finally!" She laughed excitedly.

"I know. One step closer to being with you." I responded as I gathered all of my belongings to proceed to the gate.

"Yes! At what time does your plane arrive? So I can make sure I'm at the airport on time." She insisted on picking me up and told me that there wouldn't be any problem. Since no one would expect Niall Horan to arrive 2 and a half weeks earlier to the city in which his show was in. And she did have a valid point, so I agreed. The sooner I could see her the better.

"It says here that it gets there at 6:10 pm." I read my boarding ticket as I responded her question. It was a 5 hour flight, guess I could catch up on some sleep.

"Perfect. I'll see you then. Have a safe flight Nialler."

"Thanks petal. See you in a few hours."


*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall gets here in about 2 hours and I'm so excited. I told my family to wait until tomorrow to meet him and they all agreed. He has just been stuck in planes for the last 24 hours and I don't want to spring my family on as soon as he gets here. I'll take him for dinner at my favorite restaurant and then back to the hotel to hang around for a while. I did my makeup, natural, same as always and then I began to chose my outfit. The hard part. After browsing through my clothes for a good 15 minutes, I finally settled for some high waisted jeans, a fitted ivory sweater with a beige waterfall vest that went all the way down to my knees. And I decided to tie it around the waist with a jean belt to accentuate it. I finished the look with my favorite beige Steve Madden pumps and I was ready to go. I said my goodbyes to my parents and told them I'd be back at around 1 am. They always let me do anything I want as long as I ask for permission and let them know when I'll be back, which is something I love about their parenting ways.

There was a little bit of traffic so I got to the airport about 10 minutes later than I expected. I parked in the first open spot I saw, almost killing a few Kevins along the way! But they flew away before I parked, and as soon as I did I hurried inside. I checked the arrivals screen and saw that the plane was landing. I had made it just in time, phew! I made my way to the arrivals door and waited patiently for Niall. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

N: Just landed. Still have to go through customs and get my luggage.

S: Perfect, I just got here. I'll wait for you at the arrivals door.

S: And don't use your phone in customs or when getting the luggage, security gets mad fyi.

N: Thanks for the heads up. I'm walking towards customs now. So I guess I'll see you in a bit.

S: Yes Niall. Can't wait.

N: Me neither.

15 minutes later I saw people waiting patiently for their luggage, standing around the carrousel. I looked around trying to spot Niall, which was a bit hard considering the glass doors had frosted cutouts, making it hard to see through them. But after a few seconds I spotted him, in the far corner, trying to not draw attention to himself, or so he thought. He looked hilarious, trying to hide his face with his grey beret. I couldn't wait to finally embrace him. I hated seeing him so close to me and not being able to run up to him and hug him. In all the time he was there waiting for his bags, he didn't see me. He was so focused on 'hiding' himself that he wouldn't even look through the doors. And to be honest I don't even know who he was hiding from. It was a Tuesday afternoon, all of the people traveling were business men and women who didn't even care about their surroundings.

10 minutes later I finally saw him get his luggage and he started making his way towards the doors. He finally spotted me, when he was a mere 3 meters away from the door and a smile formed across his face. As soon as he was out of the door I ran up to him and he hurried over to me as well, trying to cut the distance between us. I didn't even care if people were staring at us. They were all adults either way, no one was going to recognize Niall. He made it 10 steps out the door before I finally got to him and in that second he dropped his stuff to the floor and embraced me.

"Hi love. I've missed you so much." He whispered in my ear as he held me tightly and lifted me slightly from the floor. I could feel the shivers running down my spine, just like every single time he whispered in my ear. The effect he had on me still amazed me.

"Me too. I can't believe you're finally here." I replied as he put me down, but continued hugging me. Neither of us wanting to let go, wrapped in our own little bubble, not caring about our surroundings.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! Thank you so much for all the love you're giving my story, I'm so happy! It means a lot to me. How are you enjoying the story so far? If you have any suggestion about something you'd like me to include be sure to leave it in the comments! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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