CHAPTER 11- WIFE~ Farhan💀

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F A R H A N : -

Blinking back the sleep from my eyes, i blindly searched for my phone which kept ringing at this unusual time of night,

Squinting one eye open, I read the caller ID


Glancing at time bar which showed the three in goddammit morning, I slide to answer and before I could say even say "hello" the person started talking,

"Where are you Farhan?"

"At home, sleeping like a decent human." I rubbed the scruff on my jaw, eyes still closed.

He sighs, "Really shouldn't have kept this thing today, told you. But you are as usual a persistent shit to keep a meeting at three in morning."

My eyes widened, vanishing every trace of sleep as i sat up abruptly,

"Shit, I am on my way."

"Better be." The line goes off as I throw my phone back to the bed,

Dressing up as quickly i can, i was making a turn to wear my shoes when my toe hit a hard surface making curse all over,

My toe starts to pain like it's on fire with hot iron nails, as I stumble across the carpeted floor holding my foot in my hand,

Why is there a suitcase lying in the middle of my closet,

Anyway I have no time for this, i am already late, and I know Bilal is going to give me shit about it later.

Trying to ignore the pain in my toe i wore my shoes and grabbed my wallet and Jacket,

Picking up my phone from the bed, my ears registered the soft breathing and occasional chattering of teeth sound, glancing up I found a curved body laying on the couch, my mind was in a haze for a second, and then I remembered who she was,

Right, her.

With whom I signed the marriage contract yesterday.

To whom I cleared out what her place would be in my life, and also whose silent sobs I heard at night.

But why was she sleeping on the couch? Well, whatever suits her. I don't care.

But the disturbing sound of teeth chattering made me wanted to do something about it, no let her be.

So why was my feet taking me towards her with a fvcking blanket in my hand to cover her body? Maybe a little bit of left over humanity in me, or maybe because of the voice in my head, which I can't get rid off even if I wanted too, repeated the words all over,

"A little bit of humanity can cause a lot of change, and bringing that change is upto us."

Shaking my head, I moved my eyes from the woman sleeping on my couch with undoubtably tear streaks on her face,

Sneaking my way out of the house, careful not to wakeup anyone I use the back door to the garage, which luckily has a small route to the main gate of the house,

Doing what I've done from the past four years when my parents visit me, I drive my car towards the Main house, the secret base for meetings at night hours.

Fifteen minutes later, I park my car at the garage of the main house after punching the code, and entered inside and spotted Bilal and Hasnain sitting on the couches and observing some files,

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