Chapter 4 Sunglasses

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I was standing in front of a desk in a large office. Hands were grasping my hips holding me still as lips trailed down my jaw line, playful and light and so very soft. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as the soft teasing warmth drew closer to my mouth.

A warm moist tongue darted out and laved my lower lip gently then circled upward to treat my upper lip just as sweetly. My breathing increased. I wanted that playful tongue to stop toying with me!

As if understanding my distress, the mouth over mine smiled and gentle kisses soothed each corner. Panting softly, I opened my mouth and silently signaled my need.

Still denying me, the lips angled back up along my other jaw. In frustration I groaned and grabbed at the silky black hair drawing the lips towards mine as I raised up on my toes to reach my goal.

Suddenly the room started shaking and I pulled back with a frown. I opened the eyes I had not known I closed and...

"Branson?" I whispered in confusion.

"Who the fuck were you expecting?" he asked looking down at me with a frown.

I blinked several times back at him. I felt disoriented. My mind instantly recalled the dream I had just been woken from and I flushed. My chest was pounding and my body felt hot and swollen. I realized then a lot of me felt swollen. I was painfully hard.

My blushed deepened. I sat up and bent my knees, trying to act casual while at the same time hiding my erection and trying to come to terms with the very vivid dream I had just been woken up from.

"What were you dreaming about?" Branson asked from his position by the bed. He was looking down at me with a knowing smirk. "Seemed like a good one," he teased.

The tips of my ears literally started burning. He knew. I didn't know what I had been doing in my sleep but it had obviously been enough for him to get an idea.

"Did I wake you too soon?" he asked and laughed outright as my eyes shot daggers at his continued digs. "I'll take that as a yes," he said in a loud whisper and I wanted to reach up and punch him.

Branson stepped back and started walking back towards the bedroom door, his chuckle still testing my patience.

He paused in the doorway and looked back at me. "Seriously, I have to leave in ten minutes to meet my dad for some golf. I figured you'd get mad if I left you sleeping. Take your time getting ready. There's no rush for you to leave, just wanted to let you know."

"Thanks, Branson," I said still sitting in the same spot in the same way, afraid to move.

"Oh!" Branson said turning back to me. "Feel free to take a nice long... shower," he suggested knowingly with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "There's plenty of hot water."

I threw a pillow at his departing back. His laughter carried back to me as he walked down the hallway and out of his house.

"Ahh!" I screamed and flopped back onto the bed, my aggravation at the moment overriding any desire to get up and make my escape.

Fifteen minutes later I was in my car and heading home. I had foregone the shower. I would take one when I got home where I also had clean clothes.

As I drove my mind wandered back to the dream. It had been so real. I could almost feel the grip of the hands at my hips and the warmth of the lips caressing along my face and mouth. My fingers wiggled on the wheel as I remembered the feel of the soft strands I had touched.

Unlikely PlacesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz