Chapter 19 Bumbling Circus Bears

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I watched a beaming Percy and one very satisfied looking Archer begin their first dance as a married couple. As I looked at them, I appreciated for the first time what a striking couple they made.

They were both tall and athletic, though Archer was thicker. They both were wearing sharp suits, tailored made to fit their forms to a tee. Archer's was classic black and Percy's was lemon yellow. It should have looked odd but it didn't. It suited them very much.

Other than the color of his suit, Percy appeared more sedate today than he typically did. Percy loved colors and he loved to accessorize. He also had a thing for makeup and, what I considered, funky hair styles. They weren't my cup of tea but I always thought they suited him perfectly.

Today though he wore no makeup or wig. Other than the white gold wedding bands they had exchanged earlier, neither wore any other adornment today. They were beautiful really, I thought feeling choked. Neither was focused on themselves, everything about them screamed us!

I now understood why Archer had commented that he had had to force Percy to choose a colored suit. They had wanted to be unified from the tips of their shoes to the tops of their heads today, but he had also wanted Percy to be himself as well, and had insisted on him at least wearing an outfit with color. And it worked probably even better than if Percy had worn black as well.

I felt tears prick my eyes as a slight pressure built in my chest. I was so happy for Archer, so happy for them both. The way they looked at each other now, it wasn't enough to say that happiness radiated off of them. No. It was so much more than that.

They had this nonverbal connection that let them communicate and feel on a different level from all of us. They were bound by more than a marriage certificate today. They were intertwined with the feelings of belonging and partnership, love and passion, friendship and intimacy. I didn't fully understand it. Had never been interested enough to find out.

I felt oddly bereft the longer I watched them. The pressure in my chest expanded. I had to take a several shallow breaths to slowly drag air into my lungs, then slowly release it so as to control the turbulence of my emotions and the tears that I felt were close at hand.

Long dormant emotions nagged at me. They had been doing so since meeting Pierce. They had never been as intense as they were today.

Participating in the ceremony, seeing first hand, my friend and his partner stare at each other, their interactions like long silent eye stares, simple caresses, secretive smiles. They spoke to each other without words and only they understood. And it was fascinating.

It made me curious. It made me feel lonely. It made me long...

I had never been bothered by any of these things but now I felt all three simultaneously. My throat felt thick with bottled up emotions. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have that. What would it be like to be here with my someone special instead of being alone?


The word had never felt lonely. It had never bothered me. It just meant I had no date. Today though, it was more than just a word to me. It was also an empty feeling in my chest, because it meant I had no date.

I was confusing myself with my thoughts and I turned away from Percy and Archer to make my way back to our table. I surreptitiously swiped at my eyes, to wipe away any traces of moisture that lingered. The last thing I wanted was to be teased by the guys.

I shouldn't have worried. None of them were there. I sat down and glanced idly around. I found Branson by the food, no surprise there. He was chatting to a pretty petite blond. Again, no surprise.

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