Chapter 22 Good Genetics

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"You look flustered," Pierce commented, his eyes still roaming my face.

I felt my face heat even more. Leave it to him to point out my reaction to his close proximity.

Pierce gave me one of those half-smiles of his that I was begrudgingly starting to enjoy. It was like his calling card. It wasn't a normal smile. Pierce didn't seem do anything normal. He had his own style for everything, even his grin. And despite myself, I found myself liking it more and more.

"I meant," Pierce emphasized with that knowing hint of humor, "that you looked flustered when you walked out of the room. Not that you were flustered by me but..." he added as if he was going to point out that I had in fact been, but I interrupted him before he could.

"The meeting!" I blurted out louder than I wanted. "The m... meeting," I repeated, my voice quieter this time.

His frowning look had me regretting it immediately. I shouldn't have mentioned the meeting. I didn't want to talk about it with him. I didn't want to look like I was running and telling on anyone. It had been handled. I didn't want Pierce stepping in and making more trouble for me with the others than I already had.

"What about the meeting?" he asked, his eyes darting into the now empty room as if expecting to see someone else he could question.

He turned back to me and thrust his hands into the front pockets of his tailor-made trousers as he stared down at me intently. I swallowed as his eyes dared me to stay silent.

I swallowed again to ease the dryness of my throat. I fumbled in my mind for something to say to gloss over my rash words. If I could at least appease him, my chances of him dropping the subject were better.

"I'm... I'm just not used to them," I mumbled lamely, though it wasn't far from the truth.

I did hate them and I had hated that particular one even more. Fern was a bully that seemed to be threatened by me for whatever reason and had tried to undermine my credibility. But I hadn't let him. I had handled it myself. Pierce didn't need to butt in.

Pierce eyed me. It was clear he knew something had bothered me but I refused to say more.

"Come on," he clipped out and turned, making his way to the elevator.

I followed him into the closed compartment and watched him lean against the wall, his hands still shoved nonchalantly into his front pockets.

His casual pose, the custom suit, his refined features made a captivating picture that I had difficulty looking away from. I had never been more aware of him than I was in this moment.

His sharp gaze suddenly turned my way and pinned me to the spot. The intelligence that lay behind his eyes made him even more attractive to me. He was no one's fool. Despite how things sometimes played out with Pierce, I found him completely sexy.

I blanched and dropped my eyes, breaking the connection. I had never had such thoughts before. I never thought in terms of sexy or hot. To have them now was disconcerting.

The elevator's slight bounce signalled our arrival and I was never happier for that stomach dropping sensation in my life. Pierce swept his arm out for me to precede him. I stepped out and paused so that he could exit and lead the way.

I recognized where we were. We were walking towards his office. I wondered if he wanted to have lunch again. I very much hoped he didn't want to further discuss the meeting.

Pierce entered his office door and I meekly followed. He shut the door behind him and told me to have a seat. I walked over and sat where I had the other day.

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