23 The Date*

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Aaron came back every few days to check on Carson. Its funny to watch them. Sitting with Samantha in her living room we watch the boys fight over the Xbox controller. Dalton wanted to kill Aaron at first but now the three of them are laughing and bickering like 3 little kids.

Carson pushes Aaron and takes the controller. "I'll take care of this."

"Boom! And you're dead!" Alt says laughing. "You guys both suck!" He turns to look at me.

"Soooo..." he says. "How long are you two going to go on pretending you aren't obsessed with each other?" My jaw drops. Carson grabs Dalton covering his mouth.

"Don't listen to him!... I'm proud of you two actually. You are building something great." Carson says.

"Actually..." Aaron says. "I think it's about time for us to start dating... if I'm counting right... two days."

What?! Time flies I guess! We've been sending so much time together as friends. It feels so right! I hadn't realized we hit our 6 weeks. First date?!

"Really!" Carson says letting go of Alt. "Baby bro's first date... what are you planning?"

Alpha Aaron's POV

The question hit me hard... it will be our first date! Everyone is staring at me. Crap! I hadn't planned anything yet... what am I going to do?

"It's a surprise." I say trying not to let my panic show.

"Better be good!" Dalton says "Lil deserves the best!" I don't disagree.

"Alright... leave him alone. It's none of our business." Sam says. I'm grateful for her interface. The guys back off and I breath a sigh of relief.


I sit at my desk staring at the wall.

"Alpha?" Clay walks in. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your date?" I look away from him. "You still haven't figured out what to do have you?"

"No." I say flatly. I am clueless. Every time I think of something it seems stupid or cliché. I am hopeless at this.

"You are so lucky you have me!" He smiles at me. I give him a confused look. "Reservations are at 7 here's the address. Nice place quiet, romantic, not too fancy she wouldn't like that... eat, flirt, talk. A block south there is a nice garden. Take her for a moonlight stroll... maybe even steal a kiss? Dude it's not that hard!"

"Says the guy without a mate!" I jab at him. I know it was a cheap shot. Clay desperately wants to find her but that hasn't happened yet. He deserves someone great.

"Whatever... just don't screw it up!" He says turning to walk out the door.

"Thanks Clay." I say

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah... get out of here or you're gonna be late, Aaron." He smiles and leaves. I grab some car keys and head out.

Lilly's POV

"So." Sam says looking at me. "Tonight's the night."

"Yup." I respond.

"What are you wearing?" She asks.

"Ummm this." I am wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Not fancy but nothing I own is.

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