Chapter 20

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Trust Him


"This hotel is not making any progress, Charlie." Melody voices out as she narrows her eyes up at the blonde haired girl. She sits behind the office desk with papers and files about the clients in this hotel which are only four demons. Charlie rubs her arms as she averts her eyes all over the place but Melody's eyes that are behind small glasses and is glued to the princess in front of her.

"Well.. I don't know what to!" Charlie exclaims in distress as she sighs and finally looks at Melody which she barely could hold eye contact due to the black haired girl glaring daggers.

"Well maybe if you focus on your work more and stop flirting in the lobby maybe it'd help." Melody scrunches her nose in disgust as she rolls her eyes and looks back down at the files, Charlie frowns but she knows Melody is right. "Just go, I want to be alone." Melody waves her hand, Charlie flatten her lips as she slowly nods and leaves the room immediately.

The blonde haired demon sighs as her shoulders drop in sadness and she sighs.

"What's wrong, Sunshine?" Sin asks from sitting by the couches, Charlie looks up at the girl. She invites the princess to sit with her and she accepts it.

"Mel is mad that the hotel is falling apart.." Charlie mumbles, Sin raises her eyebrows.

"How so?" She looks around to find that Angel is just bothering Alastor and Slither by the bookshelves and Akira is nowhere to be found, probably up in his room. "Everyone been doing good?" She states, Charlie shrugs her shoulders as she groans and covers her face with her hands.

"Maybe it's because you and Angel been sneaking out a lot but I didn't do anything about it! Mel said it's because I was so busy with Al.." Charlie mumbles into her hands, Sin accidentally snorts.

"Chin up, Sunshine! I made sure Angel don't do anything bad, we only been out to get ice creams and spend some time with our buddy Cherri. It's nothing to be worried about." Sin reassures, "But about that with you and Al.." Sin giggles, "I think Mel is just jelly." Charlie looks up with itched eyebrows.

"Why?" She asks, straightening her posture on the couch back up. Sin rolls her eyes playfully,

"You don't notice, huh? Before you and him even hit it up, Mel been smiling a lot with him." Sin grins, Charlie's eyes widens as she tries to blink like she couldn't believe it.

"She.. smiled? Are you sure it's a genuine smile?" She inches closer and closer to Sin. The girl laughs as she nods, "And as far as I've known Mel-" Before Sin could say anything else, the front door of the office slams open as someone is being thrown out and harshly lands on the floor of the lobby. Charlie panics as she stands up and hurries right over to the person and kneels down beside them,

"Akira?!" Charlie gasps, there's a bruise on his chin which probably came from a harsh punch. Charlie looks at the door frame to see Melody with narrowed eyes.

"Go trip on a fucking knife." She sneers as she slams the door shut. Right after the door shuts close, two shadowy figures appears beside the door, as if guarding it. On their forehead, there's a pink star. Sin recognizes those demons to be Dead Souls that serves 'Miss Karma' as their punishment. Charlie helps Akira up on his feet as she stares at the two demons in fear, they don't seem to even have any light in their eyes. They're both dull and looks like concrete statues, mimicking their master.

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