Chapter 26

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Tears Of An Angel


Its dark but its warm, unlike the cold side of the darkness. He shifts and notices that he's on something soft and comfortable, like a bed. Opening his eyes, he is greeted by darkness. Alastor sits up as he holds his head that is throbbing in pain. He looks around and narrows his eyebrows in confusion to see multiple demons kneeling beside the bed, all around it.

They don't even say anything but their red eyes stare at him like he's something important. He shrugs it off and looks at himself, there's no wounds and his clothes aren't torn up badly. He's completely fine, he touches his face to feel no pain, no scars or any cuts.

Suddenly a mirror is handed to him as he looks up at the person only to find its one of the demons around him, he takes it from the demon in silence as it went back to its place. Alastor really doesn't know where he is, did he vanish from existence?

He looks into the mirror to see his reflection, there's indeed nothing on his face. It seemed as if everything was a dream. He sets the mirror down beside him as he gets off the soft bed, fixing his coat as he looks at the other demons.

"Greetings, my dear fellows! You don't happen to know where I am, do you?" He asks, the demons looks at each other for a moment before turning back at him.

"Sir, you're in the Dead Souls Realm." He answers, Alastor laughs.

"Does it mean I'm wiped out of existence, my friend?" He asks, chuckling to himself; thinking how funny it is. But his smile falls a bit when the demon shakes his head.

"Our master had bought you here, she had ordered us to aid you." He once again answers, Alastor itched his eyebrows.

"May I ask who your 'master' is?" He asks as he holds his hands behind his back, the demons all suddenly stands up making Alastor kind of surprised but he never shows it.

"We serve Miss Karma." They all say in sync, it clicks now. The last thing Alastor remembered before he passed out was feeling Melody's hands on his arms and her smelling like roses. Alastor closes his mouth with his hand, rethinking what the hell he just thought. He clears his throat as he looks at the demons in front of him,

"Is there way for me to get out of here?" He asks but the demons stays quiet as they whisper among themselves. Alastor's eyes turn lidded as he gets a bit ticked off.

"We're sorry but we must get an order from our master in order to do that." The same demon speaks up, not even scared of Alastor because they all know they can't get hurt or die. Alastor sighs mentally as he turns around on his heels and looks around the room he's in.. or what he could at least call a room.

There's like no wall, ceiling and floor. Its just darkness and black, you feel like you could fall into some hole if you walked mindlessly. He looks around again to notice there's a lot of candles lighting the room, as the wax burns; the smell of flowers (specifically roses) flying around in the air. There's candles from tall to the shortest too but it doesn't seem to even burn out.

He walks around to see a long vintage table, there's a lot of picture frames and what seems like crystals. Is she into Witchcraft? Alastor turns to the picture frames as he picks up one to see three girls wearing flower crowns, one of them he could identify as Melody herself that have a big smile on her face. Beside her is a shorter girl and Alastor could see that she looks the same as the angel before. The last girl is the tallest and her pose reminds him of Sin.

He puts it back down to notice a picture frame of one person only, he picks it up to see Melody in a beautiful red dress. She had a hat and black sunglasses on, she seem to be holding a newspaper as she point something on it with a big happy smile on her face. It was an article about a popular singer that had helped multiple restaurants and bars for their marvelous shows and performance; and her name is displayed.

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