Chapter 27

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Broken Heart and Sanity


"WHAT?!" A shout of surprise could be heard as Marcy who have her arms crossed, nods in confirmation. Jay scratches his head in frustration, "I shouldn't expect less from someone as low as Lucifer." He huffs as he looks around,

"Is it possible for people down in hell to rehabilitate?" Marcy asks while sitting on the edge of her sofa. Jay looks at her and glances at Rosie who is distracting herself with story books. Jay sighs as he silently nods.

"Just like how an angel could be thrown out of heaven, one could be carried up to heaven too." Marcy's eyes lights up in excitement. But she stops when Jay holds up his index finger, "But!" He adds, making Marcy tilt her head. "It's really hard for sinners in hell to be carried up here to heaven because they been tainted for far too long and none of them even wants to rehabilitate. Now I understand why the princess of hell would want to do so, she's a pure soul." Jay smiles and Marcy pouts.

"But the princess can't come up here can she? She's born in hell, though." Marcy says and Jay nods, now that she thinks about it; what if all of her friends ends up in heaven and the princess is left alone down there? The thought of that makes Marcy's soft delicate heart breaks a bit, Charlie was really sweet when she went up to check on Melody.

Marcy groans in frustration as she throws her arms around childishly, getting really annoyed. Jay just watch the girl having a small tantrum, even Rosie turns to the side to look what happened.

"You'll need to talk with Mary first about this though, I'm not in charge of it." Jay reminds the girl as she leans on her hands that are resting on her thighs, squishing her cheeks.

"Would Mary really give me permission though?" She mumbles and Jay laughs, making she look up at him with a pout. "Why are ya laughing?" She asks, Jay holds his hand up as he tries to stop laughing. When he finally do he wipes away a tear,

"Mars, you get everything you want! Even when Virgin Mary says no, you get it in the end. It's because all you do are good for others around you." Jay smiles at his friend and Marcy smiles back,

"Then I'm gonna go ask, I can't just sit around. Kana needs me!" She says as she picks up her violin case and runs towards the door but before she leaves, she turns to Jay. "Oh and one more thing, Ava misses you too." Marcy smiles as she closes the door and runs down the hallway. Jay's eyes widens in shock as he cover his mouth. She is down there, but all it matters is that she's safe and sound.

'It's cold. Harsh and cold. It feels lonely and it feels like a thousand needles are piercing through my skin.' The voice inside her head echoes like she's talking with her voice but her lips are sealed shut. Her body feels numb and cold, she slowly opens her eyes to see nothing but darkness. She tries to get up but her body is frozen in place. She looks around to see that she's on the floor and lying on her side.

"You're here again." She hears a voice, it sounds like its her own voice but its more demonic and dark. She stays quiet as the voice scoffs, "Got nothing to say? Was the last time I came out was too much for you?" The voice laughs, it ticked Melody off but she kept silent.

The sound of someone walking comes up to her as she could see someone's feet. But it's not humane, it's demonic and it's nails are sharp claws. Melody looks up as much as she could to see a demon she knows too well, a demon she sees everytime she looks into the mirror; into her reflection.

It's herself.

It's the real her, not like the one she is right now is fake; she just prefers to look this way because she doesn't like how she looked in her demonic form.

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