T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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(April 27)

This was the day. 

Today was the day that the two would finally meet, both Morgan and Nicolas were anxious to see each other, happy to finally be properly introduced but nervous nonetheless. 

Nicolas got out of bed earlier than usual, last night he was to excited to sleep.

After days of researching and waiting he was finally was able to meet the girl, he created a bond with. 

He even cleaned up his room at 1 am in the morning because he couldn't sleep and starring at the ceiling was no fun. 

He stared at the last messages sent yesterday. Notre Dame, they have never discussed what it truly meant but they both knew that it meant the school. He finally rolled out of bed and landed on his own two feet. 

After he took a quick shower Nicolas went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Last night he announced to his parents that he would finally be able to meet his GSBFF and his parent were more than ecstatic. His mother decided to make some of Nicolas's favorite breakfast which consists of a slice of apple pie and some bacon. 

"Morning mom," he said as he gave her the usual morning peck on the cheek.

"Someone's excited," a voice teasingly said. Nicolas turned to his father and gave him a morning hug.

"Well, I'm going to finally meet her," he excitedly said like a two-year-old who got ice cream. 

Both parents glanced at each other and chuckled. Nicolas ate his food with gusto, but not after thanking his dear mother for making the lovely breakfast.

Right after he plopped the last piece of bacon in his mouth, he heard a honk coming from outside, no doubt it was his friends. 

Nicolas gulped down the last bit of orange juice and took his bag as he ran towards the door. Before he could step out he heard his father shout, "DON'T FORGET TO BRING HER HOME!"

He rolled his eyes before he got in the car. 

"Never seen you run that fast," Dexter chuckled. 

Vince and Dexter already knew about Nic and Morgan's meet up plan and they are more than ready to be spectators, bringing along some popcorn and beverages.

Meanwhile, Sidney was busy comforting Morgan with her foolish worries, "what if he doesn't like me?"

"Dude, chill, this is the like the 5th time you asked the same question," but of course Morgan was too busy in her own worries to even listen to her best friend's remark. 

Then suddenly Morgan gasped, "what if he's expecting Quasimodo?"

It only took that to bring Sidney into a fit of laughter, everyone's eyes were on her. Morgan scowled at her best friend, "I'm being serious!"

"Yea, you're being too serious," Sidney said as she wiped fake tears out of her eyes. 

"Morgs, you're being too serious and you worry too much. And you're overthinking it to the point it's now becoming just stupid."

Morgan glared daggers at her best friend. She huffed, "I'm just worried alright."

"You're going to be fine, it's just like he said, you could be the hunchback of Notre Dame for all you like and he'll still be your Esméralda." 

[- - - - - ]

Vincent and Dexter stared at Nicolas in amusement as he paced back and forth on the pavement. They were currently at the meetup spot, the school's parking lot. 

"Dude, stop pacing," Dexter said as he fished for another popcorn.

"She's late," Nicolas said as he bit on his nails.

"Oke dude, stop biting your nails like a girl and second of all she's only 2 minutes late. Don't worry she's your- what's it called?"

"GSBFF," Nicolas snapped at Vincent, "she's my girl dtranger best friend forever, how many times do I have to tell you it's G S B F F."

"Yeah, that," they both new who came up with that one. Everyone knew Nicolas lacked the creativity in naming things. 

Both friends silently pitied Nicolas's future children.

If you consider a boy watching Disney princess as unique then Nicolas is one of them. Despite that fact, they still befriended him knowing what they're getting into.

"I... I'm... sorry, Mr. Rory didn't hear the bell apparently," Morgan appeared as she panted, hunched over, hands on her knees.

"That dude seriously needs a hearing aid," she muttered that last part quietly. 

Without thinking, Nicolas turned around surprising everyone including Morgan, "dude! Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack."

She said as she placed her hand on her thumping heart. Nicolas grinned the biggest smile the world had ever seen, the one that could blind you as you laid eyes on it.

"You're here... Morgan?"

"Nah, I'm Quasimodo," she said smiling. By now, Vincent, Dexter, and Sidney left them hiding behind one of the cars as they watched the two intently.

Sidney looked back and forth before deciding to dig into Dexter's popcorn.

"Hey! That's mi-" Sidney silenced him with her finger.

"The show's about to start."

Nicolas and Morgan stared at each other, assessing one another, observing.

Nicolas was surprised to see a goddess instead of well... Quasimodo. Morgan had naturally wavy brown locks, the most beautiful brown orbs behind the thick-rimmed glasses, and even Nicolas could see the curves she hid underneath her over-sized sweater. 

Meanwhile, Morgan was surprised to see how fit he was. Morgan had definitely seen him in the hallways, but she never truly looked at him, the sharp structure of his jaw, his lean muscles that flexed under his shirt, and heck, he was humongous, like 6'2 tall humongous, while she was a mere 5'2.

Nicolas finally broke the tension, "so... we finally meet."

"Yea, we finally meet."

"Honestly, I was thinking of a Quasimodo kind of look..." Morgan playfully slapped his arm. 

"...but wow, you're gorgeous" she slightly blushed at this compliment.

"And I was imagining a more pedo, pervy look, Nico boy." 

He chuckled, "well, I know we just met but my parents want to see you."


Morgan was speachless, "dude... you- you can't just drop a bomb on me like that."

He shrugged, "all of this just because of an April Fools text,"

She smiled, "more like the wrong text, Esméralda"

"How about... the wrong April Fool's text?"

She thought about it for a while, "I like the sound of that."

With that said, they both smiled knowing that this was just the beginning of a quirky and sassy relationship all because of the wrong April Fool's text.


it's the fricking ennnnddd! but of course it would be just be sacrilegious to not put an epilogue so I'm doing it ;)

The Wrong April Fools textWhere stories live. Discover now