Six; Chapsticks and Hugs.

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✖️Chapter six✖️


It's been almost two weeks since i had fully recovered and nothing much really happened. I can't help but replay that night over and over in my head. It's so much harder to resist the pull. Although, Devin has been avoiding me like the plague, i can't help but think about him 24/7. When he walks by, the amazing and intoxicating scent of his just drowns me. He would spare me a glance then hurry away. I don't know what happened to the fun guy i spent my night with talking and joking all night long?

Mikayla has begun spending more time with me. She's a nice kid and is truly,madly and deeply in love with her mate. It's amazing how much love there is between them.

"Imagine what Devin would be like." My whole whined.

I shut her out, because having her as a reminder of what I didn't have wasn't what I had in mind. I had accompanied Mikayla on a shopping trip. We were now deciding which chapsticks flavours were best. "Shayne would love this surprise." she giggled as she held five chapsticks in her hand. She had all kinds of flavours like watermelon, strawberry, cherry, raspberry and cinnamon-mint like thingy.

Another thing is that Mikayla knew about me. i had told her because she deserved to know. She promised me she'd keep it a secret and gave me the permission to kill her if the news got out. I love her so much. Is that what bestfriends say?

"Shayne's calling, just a moment." She smiled before taking the call outside. Leaving me alone in the shop with a mother and a fourteen year old girl who is shamelessly flirting with me. Sigh, kids nowadays. Well, there was no harm leading her on a llittle bit is there? Afterall, i needed a good distraction. but then again, isn't fourteen too young? Ah, crap it. I winked at her and started a little chit chat. Before long, Mikayla comes back with an emotionless look on her face. She tells me it's nothing before we make our way to the ice cream parlor not too far from here.

"So, Artemis, what flavour would you like?" she clasps her hands together and begins bouncing back and forth, viewing all the flavours of ice cream there were to choose from. The bubbly, lively girl was back. Her mood swings were so horrible. I have never met someone besides Devin, with such bad mood swings. It probably runs in the pack, whether they're human or not.

"I think a vanilla with nuts would do fine." I smile at her. "what are you getting, bouncy little thing? You never seem to stop moving,gosh girl." I chuckle, shaking my head as she narrowed her eyes at me, putting her hands on her hips before threatening to walk out right then and there.

"That'll be $14.85." The counter staff smiled at us. "You two are such a cute couple," she cooed. Then two of us froze and i internally groaned. I turned to Mikayla as she bit her lip, trying to surpress a laugh.

"Er... two of us..." i point between us. "we're not dating, erm... we're cousins." I manage to lie through my teeth.

"Aw, what a waste, otherwise you two would've made a perfect couple. " she gives us a pitiful look before handing us the ice cream and handing the change back to me. We beeline for the entrance before we begin our uncontrollable guffaw. We had stood there, laughing our asses off for so long, our ice creams began melting.

"How....can....we make..... a perf...ect...couple.." Mikayla managed to wheeze out as we slowly recover from our laughing fit.

We headed to the park, settled down on a shady bench and began testing the chapsticks. More like I was smelling them while Mikayla put them on and licked them off, trying each flavour. Not all smelt that bad but there wasn't anything I fancied.

"Mmm, I think strawberry is my favourite." she moaned slightly as she licked her lips. I couldn't believe this girl, she's out of her mind. "You know, never have I ever owned a Chapstick?" I told her, putting my hands on my hips as her eyes widen in shock.

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