Seven; Runaway.

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✖️Chapter seven✖️


That was all I could do right now. With a very mad and jealous male hot on my heels. Did I mention he is in wolf form and I am not? Gosh I am so dead.


Stupid legs, move faster.

You guys only move when I don't need you to. like hello? Life and death situation now. Stupid two legs. urgh.
Mikayla was somewhere far behind us screaming for Shayne to stop. But when this wolf is on rage mode, there wasn't stopping him.
Okay, I have to admit, it was my fault. He had come in and shouted at me, but I had challenged him and told him whatever I thought straight to his face. And basically, I just asked for a death wish. What I did wasn't very correct, but he kept insisting I was a bastard who makes his mate cry and comforts her like I care. He keeps repeating it without listening to what Mikayla or I have to say.

I was deep in though while running, I slowed down and Shayne had seized this opportunity to attack me.
I was now below a large brown wolf who looked as if he was going to rip my jugular out but not before clawing my face to shreds.

My wolf was fighting for control. She was dying to get out and teach him a lesson and it was getting harder and harder to resist the urge to shift. It was hard to concentrate on both things at the same time. And controlling the urge which was so strong was giving me a migraine as it was and Shayne was attempting to shred me to pieces.

He shifted back into his human form before socking me in the face over and over again. "you. You will stay away from my mate. Bastard. who are you to make her cry. I swear if you even lay an eye on her, you won't be alive the next morning." he managed to growl out through gritted teeth.

I kneed him where the sun didn't shine before taking off, trying to put enough space between he and I. If he came any closer, or socked me one more time, i wouldn't be able to control myself. I'd probably just give away my not so little secret I'd worked too hard to keep by getting pissed at a guy? right, like i'm going to risk that. As i scrambled through the trees, i slipped on one of those fallen leaves and almost face planted myself right then and there. I ran. I was literally running for my life. My wolf pushed me to stop and just attack him then and there but in the distance i heard my name being shouted multiple times over. It wasn't just one voice, but two.

Shayne was gaining on me i could smell his anger from almost a mile away. His anger and jealousy radiating off of him like a horrid stench. It smelt as if he hadn't taken a bath in days.

The steady beats of his paws digging into the dead leaves on the forrest floor, once a distance away, now were much faster and were drawing nearer. The sounds reverberating through my ears along with my uncontrollable heart beat and the constant nagging of my wolf who was begging me to let her out. The rest was just a blur, nothing was defined, just a blur. Pushing my body to its maximum speed, i scrambled up a coniferous tree attempting to get away from Shayne in time.

Reach, just that last branch and you'd be safe. One more. My fingers didn't comply. I wasn't able to stretch anymore. It was too high. A set of jaws clamped down firmly on my leg, sharp canines punctured my skin as he dragged me down with all his might. My world was then thrown into a disarray of colours. Slowly, i only saw one colour, red. His eyes were almost like deep abyss which, if you weren't careful, you could fall into. His wolf was then violently flung off me.

It was no longer a physical fighter with Shayne , but an internal battle with my wolf. If i lost it, i would loose total control over her, and am likely to maul him, leaving different parts of his body scattered over the forest. In order not to do that, i had to fight her. Changing hurt as it was already, but it hurt even more now that i was fighting the shift. The pain was excruciating, every part of me was on fire. Bones in my body broke and healed repetitively, fur sprouted on nearly every inch of my body before disappearing, my finger nails were slowing changing into claws. I dropped to my knees, unable to bear the pain. I was losing it. My ears grew, my eyes changed and my spine was extending into a tail. I couldn't stop it. She was too strong. Through my blurred vision, I caught a glimpse of Shayne already in his wolf form challenging my wolf to fight him. My fangs grew and I let out an animalistic growl, still changing into my wolf. My growl had so much power, it made Shayne back down. The power radiating off me was so strong one could probably feel it from miles away.

"ARTEMIS." a firm, booming voice brought my wolf back to sanity, snapping me out of all the pain and discomfort. Instead of shifting back entirely, my world somehow just stopped. everything stood still.

He stood about three meters away, with Mikayla. His shirt clung to his defined muscles, sweat tricking down his forehead. the power emanating off him was incredibly strong. He commanded so much respect without having to tell people so.

Mikayla ran to her mate who was now sitting on the floor, still startled. my gaze shifted from the mates to Devin. He had started toward me, a mixture of emotions swirling in his eyes. I look back at Shayne and hear him talking to Mikayla about me, he starts snarling and glaring at me when he notices me watching. Devin is storming toward me now. I look back and forth, between the angry people. Devin was sure to question me about the power he felt radiating off me. No one but an alpha was supposed to have that kind of power. In this case I was not an alpha and was emanating such power. He will begin to question me. I didn't want that. Not at all.

My hands turned clammy, my breaths fast, cold sweat trickled down my forehead. Shayne was pissed. So was Devin. Mikayla was being held back by her mate. Devin's face contorted with anger when I attempted to get up from my nervous crouching position. "Stay down." his command was strict and firm, forcing me to obey. But my wolf didn't listen. Instead, she deliberately stood in a proud stance, causing the brooding man to get even angrier. My physical disposition was the total opposite of how I was feeling inside.

That's when I lost her. That traitorous wolf. Now I was trembling with fear. the only way to avoid the questions was to run in the other direction. I had blanked out, thinking about my options now, I could faintly hear Devin coming to me, telling me to stay down. I take the easiest one. I bolt.

I hear Devin's enraged shouts, but ignore them and carry on.

Crunch, crunch crunch. The forrest leaves beneath my feet make unnecessary noise as the rain pelts down. I was cold, wet and lonely. I could deal with the loneliness but the rest, i don't know. I must have wandered into some other pack's territory now. If i were scented, or spotted, there'll be no future for me. Come to think of it, either way i wouldn't have a future. If i were to go back, Devin would rip me into shreds for disobeying him and for hurting his soon to be Beta. Mikayla would've clawed my eyes out, and there'd be a hell load of questions for me to answer to. I'd have to justify for my actions. If i did, i might just have to reveal who and what i was, i really wanted to avoid it at all costs.

I'd probably have to find some den which i could snuggle in for the night and someway to mask my scent. Devin probably had men sent to find me. But if i were in another pack's territory I'd be safe for they cannot trespass but i'd still be living dangerously.

I don't know what my family would do. Would they be after me as well? What would dad say for almost losing control? Either way I could not I back now. Not anytime soon, in fact I dread going back. I don't want to face all the questioning and all.

I'll stay where I am.

It's dangerous.

But free from all questioning and doubting.

I am now a runaway.

Hey all:)

I've finally updated. Yes, I'm really sorry it took soooooo long. and not only is this chapter short, it is also disappointing.

I promise u another better chapter by the end of this month. in like 10 days time:)))

OMIGOSH, I just realised the last time I updated was on Christmas. And then I had 1k reads look where I am now:3 I CANNOT THANK ALL OF U ENUF. in 2 months u helped me reach 7k reads and 280+ votes💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘 I LUV U GUYS SO MUCH K!


Please comment, vote, read and do whatever you've been doing cuz it rly makes my day k:)))) ❤️💜❤️💜


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