The Aftermath

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The next morning I wake up in the King's bed and find that I am alone. As the memories of the night come back to me, I collect my dress from the floor and make sure that no one sees me leave. My feet move swiftly as I walk back to my chambers. My body feels wonderfully soar and I can still taste him on my lips. He had been relentless and did not let me rest until the first rays of sun were visible through the curtains. It was like he could never get enough of tasting me, exploring every inch of my body, moving inside of me gently and forcefully. Truth be told, I was eagerly pushing him on as well. Everything he did to me seemed to excite me deeply, and I wanted it to last longer than just one night, even though I knew it was impossible.

The later the hour grew, I felt myself growing more astounded. Why had nobody spoken to me of the pleasures of having a man instead of all the obligations? Before last night, I could never have imagined that the company of a man could be anything but a pain. I was sure that the women who visited the King before me felt the same. It was their duty to be there and nothing else. Women were not supposed to enjoy themselves like this. Let all our inhibitions go and feel the world melt away. Or were we? I did not want to think it, but I couldn't help it. Did everyone know it could feel this good to sin? 

Even though I try to be discreet when I walk into my chambers, I manage to wake my husband, who apparently had decided to stay there during the night. He gets up from the bed and slowly walks towards me until his heavy breath is on my face. 

"Whore. Dirty King's whore", he spits out before he marches out of the room.

If I had any affection left for him, perhaps his words would have offended me. 

During the afternoon, Catherine and I are walking in the rose garden on the palace grounds. The sun is shining but it is not too hot and you can hear dogs barking and birds singing from a distance. I am walking with a light, quick step and cannot stop smiling. Instinctively I know that I should feel ashamed for my sinful behaviour but how can I when it feels like I have finally awakened from years of misery? Finally, my handmaiden gathers her courage.

"You are glowing Your Grace", she says and looks at me with knowing eyes.

I hesitate for a moment but then I realise that since my husband is already aware of my indiscretion, there really is no reason for me to hide the news from Catherine. There were far too many people at court for my taste and not enough friends that I could confide in. My handmaiden was one of the few people I put my faith in and I desperately wanted to share my news with someone who would appreciate them. I take her to a quiet place in the garden and explain my situation to her. At first she does not believe me but when I tell her about the Duke of Somerset escorting me to the King's chambers her face suddenly changes.

" was it?"

I just keep smiling and start to walk towards the centre of the park. Some details about the night feel better to keep between myself and the King. I suddenly begin to wonder if your mouth could actually freeze in a smile. Then, from across the pond, I notice and watch him as so many times before. He is in the front and centre of course, making grand gestures and talking about something I can not yet hear. He is surrounded by the three men you usually see in his company these days: the Duke of Norfolk, my husband and of course his long-time loyal friend the Duke of Somerset. They are all silent and look like they are listening attentively to whatever the King is speaking off. His steps are so light and rapid, it looks like it does not affect him the slightest. My husband on the other hand looks noticeably flustered. It can not be easy for him to keep up with an energetic young King. When His Majesty looks up and notices me, he immediately stops talking and after a few more light steps he is in front of me, kissing my hand.

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