chapter 4

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                                 2 weeks  later

I arrived at my apartment late in the afternoon  since it is only a 2 hour drive with a car and 1 hour 39 minutes using public transportation. 

When  I got there the apartment  was empty which I was surprised since kendall came back 2 days before today.

At my Dad's place it was okay since it was quite and calm just the way I wanted it

i got a chance to have some me time and also to think about what am going to do with my situation.

I went straight to my room placed my belonging on the floor and went straight to the bathroom  to take a shower hoping to just relax after that. 

30 minutes later while laying on my bed I heard a ping from my phone signaling that I got a message.

Roomie:hey Lauren am on my way home with friends and we are  hungry hope u have prepared something or atleast order pizza we are bringing snacks and drinks l😘.

I got up growling hoping I didn't open the text now I have to order pizza and prepare the living room instead of relaxing in my room.

There were few thing lying around in the living room  so I took them and placed them in their rightful place.

I then decided to go back to my room and change into something appealing instead of my night clothes  so I decided to wear sweat shirt and pants.

Few minutes later I head the creek of a door which I assumed that kendall has arrived together  with her friends. 

Once I got to the living room my suspicion were confirmed  by what got my attention is that she was with Mathew and another girl I didn't know.

The girl was very much beautiful she had a body of a model  even though kendall said she is coming with friends the girls facial features resembled that of matthew the only difference was that she had beautiful green eyes while he had green.

The girl was introduced  as Mathews older sister her name is kristen she has graduated as a business major.

she was in the neighborhood collecting some accessories that she'll need for her upcoming wedding when she decided to come and have dinner at our apartment.

The night was spent watching movies while also chatting  to each other if there's something I have noticed about her is that she is a fun person with an amazing personality.

I really did enjoy having her for dinner, she personally invited me to come to her wedding  as a VIP guest.

Few words were exchanged between me and matthew I could easily see that he wanted to say something to me but it was not possible because of kristen  and kendall's presence 

Once they had left me and kendall cleaned the utensils used after that I decided to go to my room to rest.

Few minutes later I heard a ping signalling I got a message 

Unknown: hey  Lauren 

Me: hey who is this?

Unknown:its mat we really need to talk pls

Me:I don't know who gave you my number but I don't have anything to say to you

Unknown:please give me a chance after this I will leave you alone

Me: meet me at a coffee shop near the parking lot tomorrow after this you leave me alone!!! 

Unknown:😁 goodnight l😘

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