chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to _nelsss_ LucyAScarbrough Shazk80 @ EiNKyww
Thank you for reading my story and giving feedback.

This is what I managed to come up with. It is not the best but I am trying my best to improve my writing .

"the brother am referring to that champ over there he's the prince of this mansion the heir to the thompsons fortune he's also engaged to that beautiful lady over there brittany Morgan so after this expect another engagement party thank you" 

Those words kept on playing on my mind while I ran as fast as I could, finding it difficult to accept the fact that Mathew played me. He is now engaged.

The place is very isolated so I kept on running till I could notice a bus stop where I could catch a maxi taxi or a bus to our apartment. 

After a few minutes of waiting at the bus stop a maxi came by which took me to my room , I am happy Mathew and Kendall didn't follow me this way, I will be able to cry as much as I could without any 1 annoying me.

When I got to the apartment I made sure that I took a warm bath to refresh my face and was all swollen due to crying, once I was done I settled on comfy clothes the outfit I wore to the engagement party was uncomfortable ,The shoes were killing me i am used to wearing comfy sneakers 

After telling my father that I will be coming tomorrow with all my belongings even though I told him I had a fight with my roommate instead of the whole truth, I started packing my stuff. I plan to leave tomorrow without telling kendall.

Now I am sleeping in my room listening to music while sobbing, I still cannot believe that me, one of the most responsible girls out there failed to notice Matthew for what he really is, What hurts me the most is the fact that I love him and am pregnant for him.

I called my friend and explained everything to her. It was not that difficult since she was well aware of what was happening between me and mathew. Now I feel a little bit better than before, Her comfort was all I wanted, I wish she was here. I could really use a hug right now.

Hours later I heard someone unlocking the door. I am sure it's Kendall, the person that got my attention is the one that pushed the door violently causing a very loud banging noise, I was wondering who the person is but his identity was immediately revealed once he started talking. 

"Lauren pls come out we really really need to talk, I have to explain this for you it's not the way it seems or the way my daddy said it, me and her we not even dating so she's my fiance just because we are getting married, I am making things worse right? Shit i don't know where to begin or end" he said.

"Can you please explain what happened because I don't understand a thing, first you guys were never friends but just acquaintances but now here you are explaining yourself to her please maybe i'm missing something " kendall said.

There is no way am going to allow him to mess up with me, his reasons will not work. I am leaving and if I see both Kendall and him I might give in to their pleas and I know that there is no way that Kendall will allow me to leave.

So i pretended as if i didn't hear them banging on the door as if i am not inside the house, after 40 minutes i heard footsteps leading them away from my bedroom door and released a sign of relief. 

Now that I have managed to convince them otherwise, what's left for me now is to make sure that I wake up as early as I can and leave before any of them notices me.


I spoke up early in the morning and did all my hygiene stuff, I was planning to leave as early as I could without kendall noticing. All my plans went down the drain once I saw him seated on the sofa with his hands placed on his knees, his hair disheveled, his face looked terrible as if he had caught a bad flu. 

Once I entered the living room with my language he changed his direction of focus from his hands to me, with him staring made moving difficult and brought back a flash of memories. 

"Please Laure don't leave kendall because of my mistake, give me a chance to explain everything to you you can even ask me questions tell at me but please don't leave me love" he said 

I can't believe this after everything he is still pretending he called me love while he left a fiance waiting on him at his place, I was so angry in such a way that if I was a cartoon by now steam would be coming out of my ears and nose

With the newly regained confidence I started moving toward the door without answering him, he got up from where he was seated and walked towards me blocking me in the process. 

He held my chin, looked me in the eye and said " love please don't leave me, listen to me , give me a chance you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was planning to settle down with you once I gained the courage to break off the engagement with brittany , please tell me where you are going so I can visit and we will talk once you have settled down "

With that only tears came out and soft sobs instead of a reply with that I opened the door and left him standing left kendall with nothing but a letter as a form of explanation. 

The trip to my dad's place was a bit comfortable. I was sobbing but I'll stop before I reach there. I wouldn't want him seeing me like this, his only princess crying for a boy that would hurt him.

Once I got there my dad was still at work,I went straight to my room unpacked my stuff, and took a bath.once I was done I took a nap I was a bit exhausted this pregnancy is draining the life out of me, a week from now I might start showing so I have to find a way to tell my parents. 

The night went by just fine,I spent the time watching movies after dinner with my Dad. The guy could easily see through my facade so I had to tell him that I am pregnant which led to me telling my mom through a video call.

I said good night to my dad, I am tired and this week is going to be a long one , I have to finalize my transfer to a different campus in my home province where I will not run into Mathew, Kendall or anyone that might recognize me.


                    Few months later

"Congratulations miss Kimberly you have given birth two beautiful two children you family will help you fill this form,wish you and your children the best life could ever give you" the doctor said 

With the help of my mom and dad I managed to fill the form, gave my twins names, the boy twin is Alexandra while the twin girl is Alexandria.

We have now settled in my parents home. My mom will be taking care of the children while I complete my studies. It's good that from second year I will be corresponding through distance learning which will give me enough time to bond with my children. 

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