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When I was in my earlier years of high school, I had crushes on a lot of different girls. But most of the time I didn't really do anything about them. I was never the type to put myself out there unless I really wanted to be.

High school dating never appealed to me too much until Willow and I met and eventually developed feelings for each other.

Now I'm completely into someone whose illegal to have. What a perfect and exciting love life.

With all the excess time over the weekend I had to myself, I did nothing but think about Athena which isn't new to me anymore. In fact, that's all I do now.

It hit me that we still haven't exchanged numbers yet, but I also feel like maybe that's not the best idea. Space between us is good — for the most part.

There's no telling how many times I would've texted her something stupid if I did have her number.

I'm not one to really think about age just because I usually stay within my own age range anyway, but now I'm digesting the cold hard reality that Athena is six years older than me.

She already has a degree in something, started her career, a house of her own — major goals she's already accomplished. The harder I thought about it the more inferior I felt compared to her, but there's no use in comparing someone's chapter twenty-five to your chapter nineteen.

Although I knew that, I still couldn't get it out of my head. I want to ask her how she feels about it — has she ever dated someone younger? Is age a factor for her? Does it ... turn her off?

Obviously not if she's kissing me and having me over her place, right?

Aside from my annoying thoughts, I was more than happy with coming to school. I wanted to see Athena and find out how the meeting was and the rest of her weekend. I was excited to see her face and hear her voice. I was excited to get some alone time with her later.

I found myself daydreaming about it more than I wanted too.

"You're quiet today," Tommy said as we walked to Athena's class.

"Sorry, just thinking," I replied.


"The past," I lied. "Stuff like that."

"Ew, sorry I asked."

I laughed, "No problem."

"You know I never thought I'd say this, but I'm happy we're working out today."

I shrugged, "I'm always happy about working out. Easy way to burn off steam."

"Easy way to stay in pain for a week too."

I shook my head as we walked into the classroom. We always manage to beat Athena here. I wonder where she's at during these few minutes before the bell rings.

Tommy turned to me and spoke quietly, "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"What college do you plan on going to?"

"Actually ... I don't know yet. I have a few places lined up. I'm still doing research on living wages and stuff like that."

"Okay good, I'm not the only one," He sighed in relief. "I have no idea where I want to go. Everywhere is expensive."

I sighed, "Yeah ... I don't wanna think about that. Even though we won't have a choice pretty soon."

From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walk past. I turned my head to see it was Athena in high waisted denim jeans and a nice cream V-neck shirt tucked into them. Her nude colored heels and high ponytail almost made my heart skip a beat.

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