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I woke up the next morning still feeling that calm buzzing I left Athena's house with.

I spent most of my morning trying to decipher what the feeling was. My heart was full for the first time in a long time. Is that the after-effects of having an orgasm? Or is it something else?

I was unbothered and in my own world for the entire morning. Usually, I'm thinking hard about something that causes unnecessary anxiety and stress. This morning was different and I was appreciative of it.

Once I pulled into school I parked in my usual parking space.

I got out and walked to the front of the school entrance, where Tommy usually waits for me. Except today he was eagerly engaged in conversation with a pretty blonde girl that was a little shorter than him.

He has on jeans and a burgundy crewneck. He recently trimmed his hair, making his curls look tighter and more springy.

I decided to wait a good distance away. He was obviously into the girl and with his new formed body and confidence, I know this will do him well.

Eventually, they parted and Tommy ran over to me, a goody grin on his face.

He grabbed my shoulders, "Do you know how long I've tried to talk to that girl but never had the balls!?"

I laughed, "Even with a big penis?"

"Even with a big penis!" He shouted. I shook my head, not really caring who heard us.

"You get her number?" I asked as we started walking toward the large front doors.

"No, not yet. I mean, we have the same classes. There's still time," He said confidently.

"Ah, the slow burn, huh?"

He shrugged, "Slow burn is the best burn."

I agreed, my mind drifting to Athena, "It is."

As our conversation drifted off to something else, Tommy and I quickly noticed people were now running into school. In fact, it was chaos that erupted in a matter of seconds.

Tommy and I ran inside too, trying to see what was the commotion. I was afraid someone got hurt or something until I laid my eyes on the numerous fights breaking out throughout the main halls.

"Holy fuck!" Tommy shouted. His voice was almost lost with screams and chants of other students.

There were multiple phones recording everything from every angle. Some people were even jumping into these fights randomly. My eyes jumped back and forth, trying to find a safe way out, but every direction was slammed with people.

Tommy grabbed onto my arm, his face flushed with panic. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. We were surrounded by too many different faces and bodies, becoming enclosed in a crowd.

"Nova! What the fuck is going on!" He shouted in panic.

I was constantly being pushed and bumped. It was all too much for me to keep calm, but instead of lashing out, I decided to grab Tommy by his arm and start shoving people out of the way, dragging him behind me.

We managed to get out of the crowd in one piece. I continued to tug Tommy along down the hall, avoiding the fights and smaller crowds as much as I could.

I cringed, slapping my hands over my ears as the fire alarm went off. Tommy pushed me forward, his hands at my back as we quickly scurried down the rest of the hall.

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