Chapter 8: The Beta

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Xavier was looking at the port that he had last stepped in when he made his decision to get out of the island and never to come back. But then, everything changed when his sister was missing and he needed to track her down.

As well as Arthur Adamos, the Gamma of the pack. He saw that some of the familiar faces were waiting at the dock before he slid his hand on the lower back of his wife. His mother was standing beside him on the left.

"Well, they sure missed you," his mother said before the ferry was making its way to the port before the crew was taking the anchor and threw it into the water. Then, one of them was taking the rope and let the planks settle so that the passengers can walk onto the ground.

There was nothing much at the port, saved for the fishmongers and the other crew that was responsible for the cruise ships or rental boats. Xavier was ushering Stella to the plank as his mother walked down the ferry first and Caleb, the new Alpha of the Shadow Pack, was greeting her.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Marchand?" he said before his wife and Luna, Marina, kissing her cheeks. She was whispering before his mother made her way to the awaiting cars ahead.

"So, I see that you have decided to get my invitation,"

"And here I thought the invitation had expired last month," Xavier said before Caleb was shaking his head. Then, he stepped ahead and hugged his best friend and Beta. Xavier laughed before he saw that Marina was kissing his wife's cheeks and welcomed her to the family.

"I missed you too, buddy," he said before Caleb was pulling away and he was smiling at Xavier before his facial expression changed.

"So, any news about my sister?"

"None but I think I know where they might be," Caleb said before Xavier was arching his eyebrow at him.

"They? What do you mean?" he asked as his best friend the Alpha was smirking at him.

"You're blind to your sister, don't you?" he asked before Xavier was scowling at him.

"What am I blind to? Her sense of humor? My sister doesn't have that,"

"Well, that's for Damien anyway to entertain us but no. I was talking about her mate," the Alpha said before Xavier's brows shot up to his hairline.

"Mate?! Who is he? I'll kill him if he hurt her," Xavier growled before Stella, his wife was holding his hand into hers.

"Honey, I'm sure everything will be alright. Diana's a grown-up now. She can handle herself," Stella soothed him before his wolf was calming down. Then, Xavier was taking a deep breath as he was turning to look at the Alpha, a question that he needed the answer to.

"Who is he?"

"You would not believe it," Caleb replied before Xavier growled under his breath.

"Who. Is. He?" he snapped before Caleb was rubbing his nape. Luna Marina was looking at him and sighed.

"It's the Gamma, Arthur,"

And the world was silent as Xavier was looking at his leaders before he huffed in disbelief.


It has been—what? A few days?—since they were last seeing the hunters that were prowling in their territory. Arthur said that those humans never learned and most of them were foreigners. The Cypriots would not dare to come into their territory because they knew their history.

Not like the foreigners who liked to take and exploit the good stuff, as Arthur passionately despised them.

Diana was sinking in the lake that was located at the end of the cave. She was naked and sated as Arthur has been indulging his—and hers—carnal desires and it was everything that she could ask for.

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