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Hello, my name is Audrianna Jasmyn Skye, I was born in Perth, Australia in the year 1884 and tragically lost my mother when I was 5 years old, a serial killer that was never caught until I killed him, but we're moving too far ahead of my story.

A couple of weeks before my 12th birthday my father remarried and we relocated to Madrid, Spain, I thought she was nice but turns out she was a two-faced bitch, she would treat me like a little princess in front of my father but once he was gone, she would completely change.

A year after their marriage my father fell ill and unexpectedly died, but if you'd ask me, I'd tell you it was my step-mother, But who'd believe a 13-year-old? Believe it or not, I had nowhere to go when my father died and I was forced to stay with dear old step-mother, so let's fast forward to a couple of days after my 18th birthday when we had a fight and my life changed forever.

We had a big fall out and I left the house in anger, dumb of me, I know, it was well past midnight already and all residence had been warned about attacks during the night, but honestly, I didn't care, I was too angry at her.

I was on my way home after cooling off when I heard an ear-piercing scream in the alley, I, of course, ran away or tried to run away but in a blink of an eye a man with bright red eyes appeared in front of me, blood covered his face and shirt, I was terrified, I had reason to be.

I died that night... Well, my soul or spirit, whatever you want to call it, died that night, the only thing I felt before I took my last breath was pain, so much pain, and I guess it was eventually too much because next thing I know I'm shaken awake by my best friend in that alleyway.

Gosh, he smelled so fucking good, so delicious, I couldn't help myself, I didn't think I would end up killing him but I did, I murdered him and fled, I had no idea why my vision was so much clearer no idea why I was so strong, but most importantly, I didn't know why I was craving blood, the only thing I did know at that time.

I wasn't human anymore.

1921 I found the bastard that had turned me and killed him, he was being reckless and I was doing the world a favour by taking him out, he was turning human's left, right, front and center, but one thing haunted me for years, his very last words to me, He told me I would be a monster, a monster that murdered the innocent and guilty human's, I'd never change and for years he was right, I became that monster, but only to survive.

Somewhere along the line, I turned my first human, John Davidson, now you're probably wondering why I'm bringing this random person into my story, well John's part of the story, but during that time, I was lonely, wanted company but I didn't want him to know I turned him, so I compelled him to forget that it was me, but he left a week after I turned him, so that sucked.

1939 I came across two vampires, Vladimir and Stefan, the three of us became great friends but I became the closest to Vladimir, I'll admit, I took advantage of his feelings towards me, I knew about his schoolboy crush and I loved playing with his feelings, he was even planning on asking me to marry him, but I left before he had the chance, I was already in Romania for 30 years, way too long for me.

After leaving, I had managed to find my way to America and spent about 18 years alone before meeting Carlisle, I had just finished my meal for the night when he appeared out of nowhere and told me that there was another way to live, to survive, I didn't believe him at first but decided to go with him and he indeed showed me another way to survive without taking another life.

Two years later and I was doing extremely well with animal blood, but to be honest there was a completely other reason why I was on my best behaviour, in those two years I had fallen in love with Carlisle and I had fallen hard, he likes to claim that he's damned but I know he isn't, he has so much will power in him to resist human blood, he almost died because he didn't want to feel on a human, but he found a solution.

I swear on my human life that he's the only vampire you will ever meet that has not taken one drop of human blood in his entire life, I'm grateful he had found me when he did and showed me another way, he changed my life for the better and I owe him my life for that.

We became a couple in 1988 after confessing our love to each other, the only thing about our love that sucks is the human age difference, I'm much younger than him in human years which means the human's judge us, it's the only thing we ever fight about... other than that, I'd say we're pretty happy.

Some more years passed before the one and only John Davidson found his way to Carlisle and ask for help, Carlisle being Carlisle and wanting to help vampire's turn a new leaf said yes and helped him change his diet, but he was not thrilled to see me, but after he saw that I had changed he accepted me, I mean... I do plan on telling him that I was the reckless vampire that had turned him... but not now.

Does my story sound familiar? They made movies from it, called her Cinderella, but Cinderella does not get turned into a vampire, she became a princess.

But enough about her, let's get to the story.

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