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December quickly arrived and AJ had gotten the surprise of her life when Alice and the entire family showed up at their home in Greenland, Of course, this was no surprise to Carlisle as he had already known about their visit, Before AJ could think about asking what was going on, Alice had sent her and Carlisle up to their bedroom and started bossing everyone around.

"All right, what is going on, Carlisle?" AJ asks once they were in their bedroom, Carlisle gives her a sheepish smile.

"Alice has come to arrange the wedding," Carlisle says, A smile forms on AJ lips.

"Really?" AJ asks.

"Yes," Carlisle says, AJ speeds up to him and pushes him up against the wall, pressing her lips against his.


Alice had sent out the invitations to almost everyone while arranging everything, AJ and Carlisle were forbidden to help with the arrangements because Alice wanted them to be surprised, the night before the Wedding Alice forced Carlisle into another bedroom and told them if she found out that one of them was in the other one's room there would be hell to pay.

The next day or night, because Alice saw them getting married at night, everybody that would be attending the wedding had arrived and waited for the wedding to begin, the honeymoon would be in Croatia for an entire month, just the two of them.

"Here are the shoes," Alice says, AJ looks at the heels and smiles while stepping into them, she stands in front of the mirror looking at herself.

"I can't believe it's finally happening," AJ says, Alice smiles looking at AJ through the mirror.

"Believe it, do you have any idea how long the entire vampire community has waited for this moment? A long time, AJ." Alice says, AJ chuckles as Esme enters the room. "Is it time?" Alice asks, Esme nods her head.

"It's time," Esme confirms.

"It's time!" Alice says excitedly, AJ chuckles and turns around.

"Let's do this," AJ says, they walk out of the room and down the stairs, Edward stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at AJ.

"You look amazing, Carlisle is going to fall in love with you even more," Edward says, AJ smiles at him. "Alice said that I would be walking you down the aisle, I hope that's all right."

"I'm completely all right with that," AJ says, Edward smiles and holds his hand out for her, she takes his hand and Edward locks their arms together as they walk out of the house into the snow, AJ looks towards the platform where Carlisle stood in a suit waiting for her, the music begins playing and everyone stood to turn towards AJ and Edward, they slowly walk down the aisle towards the platform, Carlisle extends his hand out for her to take once they reach the platform, she takes his hand and steps up onto the platform.

"Welcome everyone, Welcome to the ceremony where two souls will be united for eternal, now if someone here thinks or has a good reason as to why they should not be wedded, speak now or forever hold your peace." The Priest says, Alice had gotten a priest and AJ had to compel him to forget that he was preaching to a bunch of vampires. "All right, the bride and the groom have written their own vows, Carlisle, will you please share your vows." Carlisle turns to face AJ.

"Audrianna Jasmyn Skye, in the presence of our dear family and friends, I pledge to be your husband from this day forward, where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where there was darkness, you have brought light, our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together, I enter this marriage with you, knowing that the true magic of love is not to avoid change, but to follow the path together, hand in hand, Let us commit to the miracle of making each day work, together, whatever lies ahead, good or bad, we will face together," Carlisle says, AJ smiles at him as his words sink in. "Distance may test us for a time, and time may try us, but if we look to each other first, we will always see a friend, for better or worst, richer or poorer, in joy and in sorrow, to love and to cherish, to be faithful to you alone today, I take my place as your husband, may our days be long, and may they be seasoned with faith, love, understanding, and respect, forever, Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives, I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows, with you." For a second it was only them.

"That was beautiful." AJ whispers.

"AJ, if you could please share your vows." The Priest says, AJ nods her head.

"Carlisle, Cullen, I will be honest with you, I didn't prepare a long speech but I do have a speech, the night we met was the best night of my entire life, you saved my life and made me a better person, every time I see your smiles when I hear you laugh you brighten my day, I can't live without, I can't begin to explain the way I feel about you, you turn the darkness into sunlight, I'm a lucky girl and if I somehow manage to mess everything up someday, I will not hide my head in shame, because you are The One Thing that I got right in my entire life, I love you so much, Carlisle," AJ says

"The rings." The Priest says, Rosalie hands AJ the ring while Jasper hands Carlisle the other ring. "Carlisle, do you take AJ to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Carlisle says, Carlisle slides the ring onto AJ's finger.

"Audrianna, do you take Carlisle as your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asks.

"I do," AJ says, she slides the ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." The Priest says, AJ takes a step closer to AJ and leans down, his lips brush against her as everyone burst into a cheer. "I present to you, Mr and Mrs Cullen!" AJ and Carlisle break away from the kiss and steps off the platform, Alice quickly stops them before they could go back to the house.

"Wait, wait, we have to take pictures," Alice says, she held a camera in her hand.

"Right, how could we forget?" AJ asks, Alice smiles and takes AJ's hand and leads them to some nearby tree's, AJ was holding onto Carlisle's hand leaving him no choice but to follow.

"Okay, right here," Alice says, AJ and Carlisle stand in front of the trees. "Put your arm around her, Carlisle." Carlisle wraps an arm around AJ's waist and Alice snaps the picture and walks away. "Perfect!" AJ chuckles and looks up at Carlisle.

"She has gone completely mad," AJ says, Carlisle leans down and brushes his lips against her, they hear a snap next to them making them break the kiss.

"We are framing this one," Alice says. "Now come on, you have to open the dance floor, cut the cake, listen to everyone speech." They walk towards the entrance of the house.

"Give it up for the newly wedded couple!" Emmett says loudly.

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