Chapter 7

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Hey guys!!! From now on, there will be either a little hybrid fact or soulmate fact at the beginning of each chapter. I guess I'll start one today with a hybrid fact!


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Hybrids have a special language that they can use to secretly talk to one another. It is a language that can not be learned or forgotten, so no human can ever learn it. Hybrids mostly use this language in private so no one around can find out about their secret.


   "Suho!" you call, "is there anything else that needs to be done before I can go home?" Suho looks up from the cell phone he was working on and shakes his head at you.

   "Have fun with your soulmate! Don't be awkward and, most importantly, call me if he tries something with you." Suho looks at you with a stern look. You laugh and flick his forehead. "I will, you fool. I won't forget." Suho smiles and waves you off.

   Today was the day that you meet your soulmate, Jimin, again. You were hella nervous and extremely anxious. You wonder if he felt the same as you did.

   You quickly sprint back home. Once inside, you immediately started the cleaning process. You had been texting Jimin all day and had already given him your apartment address. You both were extremely excited and had been chatting about it the entire week. No information about the other has been dished out, however. You wanted to wait to talk in person, and your soulmate agreed.

   At around 7:00, your entire house was clean and was smelling like bleach. You hated the smell so you opened the window. The sky was turning a warm orange color and you gazed at it thoughtlessly. Jimin would arrive soon and you couldn't help but to feel nervous. Was his personality the same as it was on all of those videos you've watched of him? Or perhaps he was actually mean? The thought of Jimin being different had you bite your claws.*

   Bad thoughts continued to pound in your mind. You were so scared that he would be different. You didn't know if you should act yourself or be a different person towards him. Why would the universe choose you anyway? You were just a normal girl--

   No you're not.

   Then you felt it.

   Jimin's heartbeat.

   You bounced up and zoomed around the apartment, doing some last minute straightening up. You were sure that Jimin wouldn't notice if a book was barely out of place on the shelf, but your perfectionist self wanted everything to be perfect for the one whom you were deemed to spend the rest of eternity with.

   The heartbeat kept growing stronger. You could feel in Jimin's emotions that he was also quite scared, so that helped ease some of your nerves.

   Jimin was now right outside of your door. He's double checking that this was the right room, you think.

   Knock knock!

   "Coming!" you call. You slowly make your way towards the man awaiting you. You're reaching for the door handle when it hits you.

   Your BT21 pillows are everywhere!

   You can't let Jimin see those. It would be too embarrassing. You curse a little too loud and use your speed to gather your plushies and toss them into your room. You can feel Jimin's heartbeat quicken as his worry for the meeting transfers to worry for you.

   "Y/N?" he calls. At that moment, you slam the door open and look at Jimin with frantic eyes.

   "H-Hi, Jimin!"

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Where stories live. Discover now