Chapter 10

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*When they're talking in Hyrish, they'll use italics like this. Normal talking will be how it's always been.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Male soulmates can feel all of their partners pain except for their periods.


   The next day, they were back in business. Seokjin had talked to the manager and had scored them an entire week off. Jimin and the rest of the band members were extremely relieved. They all decided to just chill at home and spend time with each other. All except for Jimin. He had plans to set up a date per day with you. He was extremely excited to spend more time with you, and you felt the same way. However, three members didn't like this. They didn't like that Jimin was going to spend time away. They were used to the same thing, and they would like to keep it that way. Just how far would they go?


   Today was your official first date with Jimin. It was all going to lie at your house. You were going to watch movies, order take out, and cuddle. Your ideal date. You didn't bother to disinfect your house this time; it was still clean from the last time. Plus, Jimin lived in a house with six other boys. He wouldn't know the difference.

   His heartbreat soon entered your chest and your excitement rose. You liked sitting in his lap at the tech store so you could imagine cuddling with him would feel amazing.

   He was soon right outside your door. You didn't give him time to knock and just opened the door. You smiled widely and attacked him in a hug. Jimin chuckled and returned it equally as hard.

   "Hi, Y/N." You snuggle your face into his chest.

   Soon enough, you pull away and grab his hand. "Come on, let's go inside!"

   Once you're both inside and Jimin's taken off his mask and hoodie, you both let out your ears and tail and collapse on the couch.

   Jimin sighs and curls up on the couch. "Come here," he commands. You scooch over and he pulls you closer to him. The smell of his cologne made you relax instantly.

   "I missed you," Jimin whispers. You giggle.

   "I just saw you yesterday."

   "That's a whole twenty-four hours." You laugh again.

   "Movie?" He nods. "What do you want to watch?" You ask.

   "AVENGERS!" Jimin screams. You break out laughing and grab your TV remote, switching on your Disney plus.

   For the next couple of hours, you both sit there and intensely watch the Avengers. You both scream, laugh, and cry towards the movies, even though you've both seen all four of the movies.

   "Mister Stark . . ." You repeat, "I don't feel so good . . ." You suppress a snicker.

   "I don't want to go! I don't want to go! I don't want to go!" says Jimin. You cover your mouth to hide a snort.

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