Chapter 9

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Next chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


Random Hybrid/ Soulmate Fact

There are actually a lot more hybrids in hiding in important positions than you would've thought. Most of the times, they never gain the courage to come out.


   It's been about a week since you've last seen Jimin. There was a heavy feeling in your heart from lack of contact from him, but there was nothing you could do about it. This was the life of an idol. You would probably only be able to see him rarely.

   You trudged your way to the tech store. You really didn't want to go to work, but you had to in order to keep food on your table and a roof over your head.

   Looking up, you notice that you're right outside of the store. The doors were still locked, which meant that Suho and the other employees weren't there yet. A smile overcomes your face. That meant you could blast whatever music you wanted in the store!

   You quickly unlock the door and rush into the building. The store wasn't due to open for another hour or so, so you didn't bother to flip the 'closed' sign back over.

   You put your blue uniform on and clip your name tag to your shirt. You go around and check all of the electronics in the store, making sure everything was okay and in place. You turn on all of the game consoles and pop whatever new game that's out into the consoles and make sure that all of the controllers were working.

   Once you're done, you walk over to the stereo and turn on your favorite BTS playlist. Turning it up to full volume, you turn around and plop yourself onto a chair behind the front desk, pull out your Nintendo Switch, and get to playing video games.

   You were playing Pokémon when the front door suddenly opened and closed quickly. You were too into the game that you didn't even notice the second heartbeat entering your chest and moving closer and closer to you. You didn't notice anything at all.

   "Die, Pikachu!" you suddenly yelled. "Go, Umbreon! Kill him!"

   "Excuse me?"

   You jolted out of your seat and screamed an inhuman sound. Your Switch fell unto the table and you grabbed the closet thing that you could find and chunked it at the intruder.


   "Ow! What the hell?!" The mystery person groans and the people he came in with all laugh.

   "You shouldn't have snuck up on her, Namjoon!"

   "Ohh, she got you good!"

   "Never mess with a girl when she's playing her Pokémon!"

   You stare up at them all confusedly. What had one of them said?


   It was only then that you noticed the ponding second heartbeat.

   You screech once more and sprint into the employee room.

   BTS was in your store!

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Where stories live. Discover now