Chapter 33

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

There are rare occurrences where people have more than one soulmate.


   "Baby, are you alright?" Jimin asks, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

   "Yeah, I think so," you mumble, turning around in the hug and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

   The U.S. portion of the tour was over, and you were all currently in West Africa.

   Your homeland.

   Yes, you were now in the continent and country that you were born in. Actually, only about an hour from where you had resided with your parents in a hybrid community. Tears puddle in your eyes, but you quickly blink them away. But what you failed to realize was that Jimin could feel your emotions; even more so now that you both had fully mated.

   Speaking of which, the rest of the guys figured out why Jimin's animal instincts were so high that day of that unsuccessful interview (the interviewer was fired by the way). The following day, your heat started back up again during dinner at a fancy restaurant, and when Jimin abruptly dragged you away, they slowly started to piece the puzzle together. When the two of you returned, feeling completely better, they decided to remain silent and about it so they would be spared of Jimin's wrath.

   Anyway, since the soulmate bond had been completed, Jimin could tell that you were most definitely not okay. Jimin sighed and pulled away a little so that he could give you a short, sweet, and slow kiss. He pulled away first and rested his chin on your head.

   "You can tell me when you're ready," he whispered.

   He was still willing to wait for you. After all this time, Jimin still wouldn't demand for you to speak. His sincerity brought tears to your eyes.

   No. You shouldn't wait anymore. You were in your homeland, you were only an hour by car from where you used to live, and Jimin and the rest of his members had a day of free time for their concert was the previous night. He deserves to know.

   You nod your head. "I'm ready, Jimin. But, it'd probably be better to show you."


   "Y/N, where are we?" Jimin asks once you both stepped out of the taxi.

   "This, Jimin," you took a deep breath in, "is my home." Where the two of you currently stood was in the middle of complete ruins. Burned and broken huts lay on the sides, trash and old clothes littered the streets-- people hadn't lived there for a very long time.

   You turn your head away from the ruined refuge and face your soulmate. His facial expression was one of complete horror; his eyes wide open, mouth gaped, and ears flat on his head.

   "Baby, I. . . What happened here?" he sputters out.

   "Well, this was a hybrid community/refuge. We all lived here in complete peace." You take Jimin's hand in yours and lead him to a hut at the very end of the street. "And this here was my house, where I stayed with my father and my mother, who was pregnant with my sibling."

   Memories of playing out in the yard with your parents and the neighborhood kids flashed through your head, bringing a small smile to your face. Jimin remained silent.

   "Life here was peaceful," you continued, giving Jimin's hand a slight squeeze. "We never had anything to worry about. Until we were discovered." You wrapped your tail around your waist and your ears flattened against your head.

   "A group of Europeans were patrolling the area and found us. They came into the streets, and the moment they found out that only hybrids lived there, they began wrecking havoc and destroying everything." Tears form in your eyes.

   "And where were. . . Where were you during the massacre?" Jimin hesitantly breathed out.

   "I was at the lake," you choked out painfully. "My parents had sent me out to fetch some water, but I stayed and played by myself for a while. When I finally came back, water jug in hand, the community was gone. . . they were gone." A sob escapes your lips. "The house fell on top of them, Jimin. They were. . . burned." Jimin immediately pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back comfortingly.

   "I was only five years old, Jimin!" you wailed, your face buried into his chest, staining it with your salty tears. Your claws dug into his back.

   "I know, baby. I'm sorry; I'm so sorry," Jimin says, tears of his own streaming down his face.

   The two of you continued to hold one another as you stood in front of your parent's final resting place. No words need to be said; just the both of you being there was enough. And when you eventually did leave, your silence and hold on each other remained. You spoke to no one-- you both completely ignored the world.

   Back in your hotel room, you decided to bring out the photo album of you and your parents that you brought with you everywhere and showed it to Jimin. The rest of the night was filled with laughter from the funny childhood stories that went along with each photograph, for it was no longer a time of mourning, but to celebrate the life of your parents and unborn sibling. And late, late into the night, you fell asleep in Jimin's arms, feeling lighter than you ever had before.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter even though it was rather short. Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Also, you guys should like totally go check out mine and my best friend's story, Midnight Roses!!! Here's the account:

My friend writes the story while I edit it and add some extra details and other stuff like that in the story! It's an OT7 BTS x Reader Soulmate story, and there's not a lot of them out there lol. It's growing so fast, which really makes Leela and I happy!

Thank you, and bye friends~~<3

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat