On the way to hell🔱

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I used to be an angel but I shot myself and fell
All my friends been saying that I've not been acting well
If you could call them friends, they're just acquaintances I tell
That nothing really matters on the hard long way to hell.

It's really quite a pity that I got nothing to sell
And all the things I cherished, I can't reach them from my cell.
I've fallen down the rabbit hole, where all the dark dwell
They told me nothing matters on the hard long way to hell.

Redemption looms before me, almost like a ringing bell
I'm starting to believe that life is way more than the shell
And if I said these words out loud, I'm sure I would repel
All those that said That nothing matters on the way to hell.

This poem is somewhat both literal and figurative. But I'll just explain the figurative part. In life it sometimes feels like no matter what you do or how you change nothing gets better. Infact sometimes it gets worse. And because of that it might lead you to try to numb the pain by pretending to not care, by actually purposefully sabotaging yourself.

It does matter what you do "on the way to hell"! Life is just life, it'll always try to keep you down. In the last stanza it says "I'm starting to believe life is way more than the shell." Life is more than the outer layer, it's quite deeper than most people care to admit. It's a hurdle, a long ass race. It's really not easy but you definetly can do this and maybe you won't have to make the treacherous journey to hell.

And not gonna lie the big reason why I wrote this poem is cause I was feeling edgy and bumping to "bad guy"🎶 by Billie Eillish. Sooo that's the tea.

Love you💕

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